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"Niall come on we are going to be late for class tonight and we won't have the good mates like everyone else" Harry calls to him as he had Niall's hospital bag for class that night

"Okay I will be right down" Niall says as he was in the bathroom giving the twins their bath that night so they were clean and in their jammies

"What are you doing I might add?" Harry calls up to him

"Giving the girls the bath cause the sitter canceled and I have Louis coming over to watch them for us while we are at the hospital tonight" Niall says from the bathroom

"Makes sense" Harry says as he hears the doorbell

"Hi Harry are the girls ready?" Louis asks him

"Just about Niall is finishing up their bath so they will be all ready for bed tonight and all you have to do is tuck them in in their beds upstairs" Harry says to Louis

"We are going to be watching some movies tonight until the girls fall asleep, so the girls might be up past their bedtime tonight" Louis says as he brings in some fun movies for the girls to watch that night

"That's fine only healthy food tonight Lou cause they are going to be hyper if they have too much sugar in their systems" Harry says as Niall brings the twins down to be with Uncle Louis that night

"Bye girls be good for Uncle Louis while daddy is gone" Niall says a he hugs and kisses each of the girls goodbye

"Okay daddy" the twins say as Uncle Louis puts the first movie which was the animated classic Cinderella for them to watch that night

Harry helps Niall out to the car so they could head to the hospital that night for Lamaze

"Thanks Harry" Niall says as he leans back in the car as they head to the hospital that night for Lamaze

"Welcome Niall" Harry says as he buckles Niall into the car to head to the hospital for Lamaze

(Car ride to the hospital)

"Did you do Lamaze when you were pregnant with the girls?' Harry asks Niall as they head to the hospital

"What did you say Harry I was looking out the window lost in my thoughts is all" Niall says to him

"Did you do Lamaze when you were pregnant with the girls?" Harry asks again

"Yeah i did my mom made me take it so i knew what to do when the time came for them to be born since i could have the twins naturally" Niall says as he looks at Harry

"Will you have the boys natural or go with a c-section?" Harry asks Niall

"Natural if the boys can handle the labor okay" Niall says as they pull into the hospital parking lot for class that night

"Okay" Harry says as he pulls into the hospital to search for a spot to park the car, so they could head into Lamaze that night

Harry helps Niall out of the car before grabbing his bag

"Are the boys okay?" Harry asks him

"Yeah just fine just moving and kicking around as usual" Niall says as he leans against the car cause the moves were moving constantly in his stomach

"Any pains?' Harry asks him

"Just Braxton-Hicks is all" Niall says as they head into the hospital for class that night

"Okay if it is real labor tell me" Harry says as they continue to walk to the entrance of the hospital

"I will I know what real labor is like cause i went through it with the girls years ago when I had them for the first time" Niall says as they head into the hospital that night for class

"Was it painful on you?" Harry asks him

"A little bit I was scared when i had Courtney cause she didn't cry when she was born. I held her close to me for three hours straight until she finally cried for us" Niall says as the enter the elevators to go up to class that night

"Wow" Harry says to him

"Yeah I love the girls very much and I can't wait to see what happens when the boys come" Niall says as he looks down at his bump

"Four kids is going to be an adventure for sure" Harry as as he pushes the button to go to the floor that Lamaze was on

"Yeah it sure will at least the girls are ready for their brothers to come" Niall says as they wait in the elevator until it got up to the right floor

"Courtney can't stop talking about her brothers" Harry says to him

"I know she loves them already" Niall says when he hears his phone go off

"Hey Courtney" Niall says when he sees who was calling him that night as they enter the hospital for Lamaze that night

"Hi daddy" Courtney says to him

"Everything okay?" he asks her

"Yes how brothers?" she asks him

"They are good they miss their big sister right now" he says as he puts the phone to his belly, so Courtney could talk to her brothers for a little bit that night

Niall smiled up a storm when he heard Courtney talking to her brothers

"Niall are you okay?" Harry asks as he approaches him

Niall hushes him a little bit as he hears Courtney talking to her brothers

"Is Courtney talking to her brothers again?" Harry asks him

Niall nods cause he loves how and when Courtney talks to her brothers inside papa's belly

"Sweetie papa and daddy got to go they have class tonight" Niall says to her cause he knew that class was going to start in a little bit and he had to be in there

"Why?" she asks him

"Papa has to learn how to care for your brothers a little bit and daddy will have to learn too cause this is all new for daddy. Papa needs a refresher course is all" Niall says as he hurries the call along a little bit for class that night

"Why?" she asks him

"When papa has your brothers he will know what to do again like he did with you and your sister" he says to her

"Daddy why?" she asks

"Daddy never had a baby before so this is new to him. He will need to help papa with the pains that your brothers will give him when the time comes for them to come into the world" he says to her

"Oh" she says to him

"You good right now princess?" he asks her

She nods as she gets off the phone

V & C

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