Chapter 6

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I had to work today and I didn't want to bring the girls with me seeing as they like to run around. What can I do? I can't ask my parents since my dad practically disowned me and said to never come back and I knew my mom wouldn't help because she's scared of my dad. I couldn't ask Harry because he has to work today too. Why did I have to get pregnant at 16! I think.

"Love are you alright?" Harry asks as he puts his arms around my waist.

"No. I have to find someone to watch the girls! I'll be late for work if I don't!" I say worried

"I can watch them." Harry says

"No you have to work too" I say

"Really Ni. I don't mind bringing them" Harry says with a laugh

"Are you sure?" Niall asked worried

"Yes now go before you are late" Harry says and kisses Niall who rushes out the door.

Harry's POV

"Come on you two you're going to see where  papa works!" I said excitedly

"weally!" Autum and Courtney say at the same time.

"Yes but we got to go now." I say making sure I have my camera stuff and the girls. I put the  girls in their seats in my car and then start to drive to my work place.

As soon as he arrives his assistant Harmony is coming over to him.

"Harry thank goodness you're here! You have a photoshoot to do!" Harmony says

"Harmony can you watch these two while I do the photo shoot?" I asked

"Sure I have a little sister around they're age." Harmony says

"Great but when you're talking to Courtney which is this one here make sure to be direct if you don't know sign language. She's partially deaf and this is Autumn." I said
"Okay" harmony says

"Okay you two Harmony here is going to watch you while papa works okay? Be good for her." I said

"Okay papa!" Autumn says happily

"No! Papa no weave!" Courtney says and wraps her arms tightly around my leg.

"Please Courtney. If you go with Harmony I'll get you and your sister a surprise after work." I said.

"I stay wif papa!" Courtney tightens her grip more

Harmony takes Courtney from my grip and she starts bawling. It breaks my heart but I have to work.  

Meanwhile Harmony tries to cheer Courtney up while her sister just plays happily.

"Peek a boo!" Harmony says but Courtney continues to sniffle

Harmony then tried to tickle Courtney and manages to get a giggle.

"Success." Harmony cheers and then starts to play different games with the girls.

Before Harmony knew it I was coming over.
"Hey where are the twins?" I asked asked

"They're around here somewhere we're playing hide n seek." Harmony says

"What?! They could be anywhere!" I said worried and starts looking around in a panic not noticing the twins in the most obvious spot.

"Um Harry?" Harmony says and I turned around to see two sets of feet behind a curtain.

"Hmm where could my daughters Courtney and Autumn be?" I said and heard two pairs of giggles.

"There they are!" I said and find the twins behind the curtain.

"Papa!" Courtney says happily and hugs my leg

"Harmony fun papa!" Autumn says

"Well would you two like it if she watched you when you come to work with me?" Harry asked

"Yeah!" Autumn says

"What about you Courtney?" I asked and she just nodded shyly.

"I would love to Harry." Harmony says happily.

"Now how about papa takes some pictures of you two for daddy and then we go get your surprise." Harry says and the girls both say "yeah!" At the exact same time.

Harry then took some shots of the girls together and individually. He was going to make an album for Niall for their anniversary. He had the girls hug, each kiss each other on the cheek, lay down on their stomachs with their hand on their chin, and had them sit next to each other with some blocks that said 'We Love Our Daddies', to name a few.

Afterwards Harry took them to the toys store to each pick out one toy. Courtney picked out a flounder plush to go with her Ariel doll and Autumn picked out a snow white plush doll and then they went home and Harry played with his little girls.

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