Sibling class

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Niall and Harry decided to sign the girls up for sibling class so they will know how to hold the new baby and what they can do to help out when the twins come cause Harry and Niall will need a lot of help when the twins come

"I think it's best I go with them for class" Niall says as he rubs his bump where the twins were being active fright now

"Why sweetie?" Harry asks him

"So i can translate for Courtney cause the hospital doesn't know that she is partial deaf, and what if she wants me there?" Niall asks as he starts to cry cause he was thinking of how Courtney was going to be at sibling class that night which was the first night of class for both girls and Niall was scared for them cause there are going to be kids older then them there at class

"Okay babe I will take you three and drop you guys off and come home to work on the nursery a little more, so it is ready for the boys when they decide to come cause they might come early or they might come late" Harry tells Niall

"I hope they come later cause the girls were born later after their due date" Niall says as he thinks back to when he was pregnant with the girls and when they were born

"Autumn, Courtney come on we got to get going" Harry calls to the girls cause they had to get to the hospital, so the girls could go to sibling class

Autumn and Courtney came downstairs and Harry put their shoes on their little feet

"Tonight girls I am going to come with you to sibling class cause there are going to be older kids there as well, and you girls might be a little scared about being there" Niall says as he gets his slip on shoes on, so he didn't have to worry about tying them with his belly right now

Courtney was happy that papa was going to be right there with her to make her feel safe with the big kids

"Here's your coat" Harry says as he helps Niall with his coat after he had helped the girls with their coats so they were warm and toasty

"Thanks Harry" Niall says as he gets his coat on

Once everyone was ready they headed out to the van to head to the hospital for sibling class


"Okay girls hold my hands" Niall says after Harry had gotten the girls out of the van

Courtney and Autumn held papa's hand as they headed into the hospital and to where sibling class is going to be

"Guys this is where papa is going to have your baby brother's at" Niall says as they reach the floor where the class was going to be held at

Niall decided to wait to tell them that they are going to get a tour of where papa is going to be later

"Is this where class is?" Autumn asks him

"Yes baby this is where sibling class is going to be and by the looks of it there are a lot of kids here." Niall says

Courtney hides behind Niall as she sees someone approach them unlike her sister who stands next to Niall.

"Yes Autumn and Courtney Horan" Niall says to the person

"Perfect welcome girls" the nurse says to them as she gives the girls their name tags to wear, so the others could get to know their names

"Is it okay if i stay cause Courtney is deaf in her one ear and i need to communicate with her" Niall asks the nurse

"Sure that won't be a problem" the nurse tells him

"Papa I scared" Courtney says to him

"Sweetie it's going to be okay i promise you" he says as they head for a table to wait for instructions

"Hello everyone and welcome to sibling class tonight we are going to be practicing holding a baby and walking while we hold the baby" the teacher says to the class

"Don't worry girls I'll help you" Niall says as he whispers it to them cause they were too little to carry a real baby but they were old enough to hold the baby

Autumn wanted to walk around with the baby doll that she was given by the teacher

"Autumn be gentle remember that might be your baby brother that you are holding" Niall says to her as he wraps Courtney's doll up for her so she could practice holding the baby as well

Autumn nods as she walks around with the doll that was wrapped up in a blanket

"Would you want to try it Courtney?" Niall asks her

Courtney shakes her head no

"Would you like to just hold the baby?" he asks her

She nods

"Okay that's fine too" he says as he gives her the baby to hold in her arms

Courtney smiled really big as she was holding the doll

"That's your brother he will look up to you" he tells her

Courtney was still over the moon as she was holding her soon to be baby brother or should we say brothers since we're having twin boys.

"Perfect now we will practice feeding the baby, and then we will get to know each others names" the nurse says to the class

"Will we have a plastic bottle?" Autumn asks papa

"Yes sweetie you will have a plastic bottle to feed your doll like how it will be when your brothers are born" he says as he gives the girls their bottles so they could practice feeding their babies their bottle

Courtney was gentle as she was feeding her doll it's bottle that night

"Look at you Courtney already a pro" he says as he watches her feed her doll so gently

Autumn was gentle as well and made sure to get the extra that was coming out of the mouth

"Once your brothers get here we are going to be in good shape" he says as he watches the girls as they feed their dolls still cause they didn't want to be with the other kids that night they wanted to be with each other which was a lot of fun for Niall cause he wanted the girls to make friends that night at class

"Hi I'm Aspen" a little girl who looked the girls age comes up to him

"Hi Aspen are you deaf like Courtney is?" Niall asks her

Aspens signs yes

"Look Courtney you got a friend who is in the same boat as you" he tells her

Courtney was happy that she found a friend that night at sibling class

V & C

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