Big girl beds

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"Harry do you think we should move the twins from their cribs to big girl beds, so we can use the cribs for the boys?" Niall asks one day when the twins were sleeping for their nap that afternoon

"Yeah cause they just turn two, and they will be figuring out to get out of those cribs really fast and get to us" Harry says as Courtney comes into the room

"Hey baby girl did something wake you from your slumber huh?" Niall asks as he signs for her so she could understand the words that he was saying to her that afternoon since she's partially deaf

She nods as she rubs the sleep from her eyes

"Come here and papa will rock you a little bit" Niall says as he takes her to the rocking chair that was in the master

Courtney loved when she could sleep and papa will rock her to sleep

"Courtney daddy and i see that you are getting too big for your crib. Since we have two new babies coming. We were wondering if you want to let one of your baby brothers have your crib and you have a big girl bed" Niall says to her

"You will get to pick it out yourself

She nods cause she liked the idea of getting a big girl bed to sleep in

"Would you like to get your big girl bed now? Then i can take Autumn to get her big girl bed later" Niall says as he continues to rock her in his arms to get her to settle down a bit since she was really scared

Courtney signs yes cause she would love to get her big girl bed

"Okay come on then" Niall says as he gets up with her and carries her to his car, so they could go get her big girl bed, and Harry could put it together when they came home and he could take Autumn to get her big girl bed later

Courtney laid her head on papa as they headed to his car

"In you go big girl" Niall says as he buckles her in her car seat


Niall was able to park close just in case Courtney had a huge bed that was coming home with her that afternoon

"Hold my hand Courtney" Niall says as they head into the store to go shopping for her big girl bed

Courtney holds papa hand as they go into the store

"Good girl Courtney" he says as he takes her back to the toddler beds to see what kind that they had for her

Courtney stayed close to papa as they headed to the beds

"Here we are sweetie pie the big girl beds" he says to her when they reach the long aisle that had the big kid beds

Courtney walked slowly looking at each one as she stayed close to papa

"Do you see one that you like?" he asks her as they continue to shop for her bed

Courtney found the perfect one that was being showcased 

"That one papa" she says as she holds his hand as  they go towards the bed that she wanted to have as her bed

"Are you sure?" he asks her

She nods happily

Niall checked the bed carefully to make sure that a bed rail can be attached, so she won't fall out of the bed, and checked it over to make sure it was perfect for her

"It's a canopy bed Courtney" he says after he inspected it

She wanted to lay on that bed cause she loved that bed as her bed

"Okay if this the bed that you want this is the bed that we will get" he says as he gets an associate to help him to see if there was abed in the back that they could take home

The canopy bed that was on display was the only one that they had in the store, and they will take it apart for Niall as he continued to shop if he had anything else to get

"Courtney would you like to pick out your bedding for your bed?" Niall asks her as they start to head for the bedding aisle to see what kind of bedding that the store had for her

She nods happily cause she was pretty excited for her bed that she was going to be sleeping in while her brother got her crib

"I can tell you are excited for this bed" he says to her as they look at bedding carefully

Courtney picked out Sophia the first bedding for her bed 

"You love that show don't you?" he asks her as he heads back to see if the bed was apart yet, so they could head home with it, so Harry could put it together

She nods again as they head back to see about her bed

"Wow it's that big?" Niall asks when he sees the boxes that the bed came in

Courtney loved that bed a lot

"Okay papa will pay for your bed and your bedding and the while daddy is putting it together at the house papa will bring your sister, so she can get her bed" Niall says as they head to the front of the store to pay for the bed that was going to be Courtney's 


"I see that Courtney found a bed" Harry says when he sees the trunk of Niall's car opened up a bit 

"Yeah it's a canopy bed, and you can put it together while I take Autumn to get her bed" Niall says as he gets Courtney from her car seat

"It's a bed alright" Harry says as he gets the huge box out of the trunk and brings it into the house since he already moved Courtney's crib to the bedroom that is going to be the nursery for the boys

Courtney went to go play with her toys while daddy assembled her bed

"Is Autumn up?" Niall asks Harry

"Yeah and I told her about the big girl bed" Harry says as he takes the box upstairs

"Did she take it well?" Niall asks him

"Yeah and she wants a canopy bed too" Harry says to Niall

"This was the last one, and maybe she might fall in love with a different bed" Niall says as he goes and gets Autumn to take her to the store


"Autumn can you hold my hand?" Niall asks her

Autumn holds papa hand as they head in to see about beds

"I see the bed that i want papa" Autumn says when she sees a different bed going on the showcase

"Okay we can see about that bed and daddy can put it together for you" Niall says to her

Autumn was happy about that

V & C

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