Chapter 31

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Niall's POV
Something's wrong. I can feel it. I was sitting with Harry on the couch watching the kids play. I jumped up as I felt a tug in my chest. Something is wrong but what? Oh my god! Courtney! I thought and jumped up.
"Niall baby calm down what is it?" Harry asked worriedly. I ignored him and ran upstairs. I looked around Courtney's room but didn't see her. I then ran to her bathroom and screamed at what I saw.
"Agh! My baby!" I yell in fright.
It was as if time had stopped. My baby girl was laying there in the bathroom her arms covered in blood.
"HARRY!" I yelled
"What? What is it!" Harry yelled as he came through the bathroom door. He then saw Courtney.
"Niall love listen to me. I need you to breathe and call 999" Harry said as he tried to stop the bleeding. I ran out of the bathroom and stopped the other kids from going up there as I called 999.
"999 what's your emergency." The operator said
"Hurry! My daughter is bleeding badly!" I say in a panic.
"Okay Sir I need you to calm down and give me your address" the operator said. I then gave her my address and they said an ambulance was on its way.
I tried my best to calm down but I just broke down on the floor. Some paramedics them came through my door and I just pointed upstairs. They ran upstairs and next think I know they were putting Courtney on a gurney and putting something in her arm and were on their way to the hospital. Harry and I followed behind them with the kids.
Once we were there we rushed inside behind the paramedics. I was about to follow them to a room but a nurse stopped me.
"I'm sorry sir but you can't go back there." She said
"What do you mean I can't go back there! My baby needs me!" I yelled in anger with tears in my eyes.
"Niall love, please calm down the doctors will help her. She'll be okay." Harry said as he held Alexandria in his arms and Kian and Autumn were sitting beside him.
"I'm a terrible dad." I cried
Harry held me with his free hand and tried his best to comfort me but I just couldn't stop crying. I'm supposed to protect my children and I failed. I didn't protect Courtney.
"I-I'm supposed to protect them. I-i couldn't protect Courtney" I cried
"Shh love. She'll be okay" Harry said
"How do you know that! Huh?!" I yelled in anger.
"Niall calm down you're scaring the kids. I looked over and what Harry said was true. Autumn, Alexandria and Kian all had scared looks on their faces.
"I'm sorry babies. I'm just worried about your sister" I say and kiss each one of them on the head.
"It okay papa! We worried about sissy too!" Autumn said.
"Hey love why don't you take the kids to either get something to eat or the gift shop and I'll wait for the doctor" Harry said.
"Okay" I say and take the Alexandria's hand and told Autumn to hold Kian's hand as we went to the food court and gift shop. It was going to be a long night.

Harry's POV
I waited for a good hour in the waiting area until a doctor finally came up to me.
"Courtney Styles." The doctor said. Oh yeah the day I proposed to Niall I had Courtney and Autumns last name officially changed to mine and legally adopted them as my own daughters.
"Yes?! How is she?!" I asked worried
"She's stable for now. She lost a lot of blood and we had to give her a blood transition. But with lots of rest she'll make a full recovery. I would recommend therapy and that someone always keep an eye on her if you do not want this to happen again. She was very lucky this time" the doctor said
"Can I see her?!" I asked worried.
"Yes but not too long" the doctor said.
He then lead me to a room and once I was by the bed I sat down beside my princess. I held her hand as she slept and just cried. Why?! Why would my baby do this?! I pray this will not happen again! I just bawled my eye out until I fell asleep.
I then felt someone nudge after an hour or so.
"Daddy?" I heard a voice say.
"Courtney?" I say and then look up to see my daughter awake.
"Oh my god Courtney!" I say and lightly hug her.
"You scared your papa and I. Along with your siblings!" I said in worry.
"I'm sorry papa but I-I was so scared" courtney said and started to cry.
"Of what baby?" I asked concerned
"Of Jaxon touching me again daddy. I feel so gross. I can still feel him touching me." Courtney cries.
I just held my daughter as she wept. What were Niall and I going to do? How could we make our daughter feel better without any stressing out especially since he just turned five months pregnant with our son. Oh what were we going to do?

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