Chapter 10

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It has been three month since Niall found out he was pregnant. Harry and Niall had both found out that they were indeed having twins again which worried Niall. But Harry keeps reassuring Niall that everything will be fine. Harry and Niall we're both excited today because they got to find out what they were having today if the babies.

Niall and Harry were booth on their way to the appointment. The girls were spending the day with Harry's friend Louis. Niall was a little nervous to leave the girls with Louis but he trusted Harry's judgement. He wouldn't leave the girls with some lunatic right? Right. Harry could tell that Niall was a little nervous. Harry took Niall's hand in hi and squeezed it.

"Everything will be fine love" Harry says as he stops at a red light.

"I believe you I'm just worried about the girls" Niall says nervously.

"They are fine with Louis. Louis has been my best friend for about 5 years. I trust him with my life so I'm pretty sure we can trust him with the girls." Harry says with a smile

Niall only nods and they continue to the hospital. Once they arrive Harry parks and helps Niall out of the car. Harry is excited but also nervous to find out what he is having. He really hopes they are having boys! Once they are inside Harry checks them in and sits down with Niall in the waiting area.

"Are you okay love? Do you need anything?" Harry asks Niall nervously.

"I'm fine Harry. I just want to get this appointment over with and go home to my girls." Niall says with a sigh.

"okay love" Harry says. Little did Niall know that Harry had a surprise for him after their appointment.

"Niall Horan" a nurse calls

Harry and Niall both get up and head towards the back with a nurse. The nurse then took Niall's weight and blood pressure. She then leads Niall and Harry to a room. Niall gets onto the familiar bed while Harry sits on the opposite side of him holding his hand.

"The doctor will be in shortly" the nurse says and leave Niall and Harry alone for a few minutes.

"Harry I'm scared" Niall says nervously.

"Don't be love" Harry says and kisses Niall's hand.

"But what if something is wrong with the babies. What if they have some sort of disability like Courtney." Niall says

"Relax love everything will fine. If they have a disability or their sexual orientation is different that doesn't mean that we will love them any less." Harry says.

Before Niall could say anything the doctor comes in with a smile.

"Hello boys I'm doctor pierce. How have you been Niall? How are the girls?" Doctor pierce asks with a smile

"they are good they just turned two" Niall says with a smile.

"Wow and I remember delivering them. They are getting so big. If you would lie down and lift your shirt up" Dr Pierce says

I do as he says and he puts the cold gel on Niall's stomach and turns the machine on.

"Now lets see. These two are perfectly healthy. Here are their heart beats" Dr Pierce says. A thumping sound then fills the room and Niall and Harry have tears in their eyes at the precious sound.

"Would you two like to know what you are having?" Dr Pierce says

"Yes!" Harry and I say at the both time causing both Niall and Harry to laugh.

"Well lets see here. It looks like you two are having........twin boys! Congratulations!" Dr Pierce says

Harry smiles happy to be having twin boys. Niall was happy that he was having boys but did wish he was having another girl. He would love his sons none the less though. Dr Pierce went to print some pictures.

"We're having boys love!" Harry says excitedly to niall.

"I can't wait" Niall says and wipes the gel off his stomach and pulls his shirt down.

"Here are your sonograms. Make sure to schedule your next appointment" Dr Pierce says with a smile.

Niall and harry schedule their next appointment and leave. Niall gets confused though when Harry passes their apartment.

"Harry where you going? You passed our apartment" Niall says confused.

"I have a surprise to show you love and then we'll head back to the apartment" Harry says and drives a little farther.

"Close your eyes love" Harry says

"Why?" Niall asks

"just do it" Harry says

Niall closes his eyes and feels the car stop. Next thing he knew he heard Harry open his door and take his hand and lead him somewhere.

"Open your eyes" Harry says and Niall opens his eyes to a see a beautiful house

"harry it's beautiful" Niall says

"DO you like it?" Harry asks hopeful

"Like it. I love it!" Niall says admiring the house

"I'm glad you like it because this is our new house" Harry says with a grin.

"Are you serious?!" Niall asks excitedly

"Yes it's ours and don't worry about costs. We can afford it!" Harry says reassuring Niall.

"Oh Harry thank you so much for being the best boyfriend ever!" Niall says and kisses Harry while hugging him.

"We have to move in within three weeks or the house goes back up for sale." Harry says

"I'm sure we can move in by then!' Niall says

"Let's head home now love" Harry says and Niall follows him excited to be getting a new house soon. Things were starting to look up for him.

They had back to their apartment to see Louis and the girls watching a movie.

"hello?" Harry calls

"Daddy! Papa!" The girls both say and run towards us

"We're you good for Louis?" Niall asks

"They were angels" Louis says coming into the room

"I'm glad." Niall says

"daddy! We get bwofer or sister!" Autumn says

"Yeah bwofer or sister!" Courtney says excitedly

Harry bends down to their level since Niall can't and smiles

"You two are are getting two baby brothers" Harry says

"YAY!" The girls cheer.

"Congratulations" Louis says and gives Harry a hug and then leaves. Harry and Niall then spend the rest of the night watching movies with the girls until until they fall asleep.

Author note: So Niall is having twin boys. What should their names be? First and middle name. Should one of them or both have a disability? Or no disability at all. Let me know what you think should happen? Tell me your ideas. Should Niall's Ex Kyle come back? Should Harry propose to Niall? Comment on what you want to see happen in the story.

Additional Author Note: I am looking for a co-author to help me with my stories. If you are seriously interested let me know. Thank you!

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