Strolling down memory lane (Baby part)

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Hey guys @priceisrightrusher here sorry I'm not on much due to work being nuts and schedule is different week to week so here is a new chapter hopefully i can be on more

Niall decided to start back at the beginning when Courtney came home from the hospital, and help trigger her memory to come back

"Hey Courtney mind if i come in?" he asks as he knocks on the door to her room

She nods as he comes into the room

"Why are you here?" she asks him

"I am going to help you regain some part of your memory, so I am going to start at the beginning where your sister and you were just babies" Niall says as he opens the photo album that had loads of pictures of Courtney and Autumn when they were babies, and when they were in Niall's tummy

"What's this picture?" Courtney asks when she sees the pictures at the beginning of the photo album

"This is you when you were in me" Niall says as he shows her the cute picture of her when he was pregnant with her

"Did i have a mom or another dad?" Courtney asks as she looks at him

"Sweetie you did, but he is out of the picture, and he did not want to be a apart of your guys lives at all" Niall says as he was still fighting back the tears cause he did not want to cry in front of her

Courtney understood why now

"You were the quiet one never kicked as much" he says as he was still showing her some pictures that he had of her still

Niall explained how much he loved Autumn and her and he could not wait to meet them when they were born

"Was i born on a nice day or a bad day?" she asks him

"A really nice day it was hot though cause it was summer out" he says as he heads back to that day when he went into labor with the girls

"Did it hurt?" she asks him

"Here and there, but I will save that for another time when i will talk to you about that before you have your little one" he says to her as he was brought back, so he could tell her some more about when she was a baby

"Was i a good baby?" she asks him

"You were you barely cried, and the only time you cried was when you needed fed or a diaper change sweetie" he says as he was still talking to her to help jog her memory a little bit

Courtney looked through all of the albums that he had with him and looked through them a little bit

"Who is that with me?" Courtney asks him

"That is your sister Autumn you two are twins" he says as he decided to get some of the tapes that he had of the girls so he could show her what she looked liked when she was a baby

"Does she look like me?" Courtney asks him

"No sweetie you two are called fraternal twins" he says as he was putting in the first video that was taken when he was in the hospital with the girls

Niall hugged her close as they watched some of the movies

"Who is that?" she asks when she sees another person come into the picture

"That is daddy or Harry as I call him he came into your girls life at a very young age he helped me out with you girls cause you girls were a handful, and since i was a teen parent i didn't have much help after you two came along" Niall says as they were still watching the videos of the girls to help with her memory a little bit to see if she remembers anything so far

"Was he good?" she asks him

"He was very good at helping me with you girls once you girls were on the move there was no stopping you girls, and when one of you were sick while i was taking care of the sick one he will be with the healthy one so the other one didn't catch it" Niall says as he was still bonding with her

Courtney smiled when she saw her sister come on the screen

"Is that Autumn or me?" Courtney asks him

"That is you sweetie when we took you to get your hearing aids so you could hear a little better, and speak as well" Niall says as he stilled hugged her and he had his hand on her belly as he was feeling the baby move

"Like the one's I have?" she asks him

"Yeahs like the one's you have now, and once you had them you were able to understand what were saying to you on top of the sign language cause we communicated both ways with you when you were a baby" he says to her as he put in another video this one was the first bath that was taken when the girls were big enough to be in the bath tub

"Did i like the water?" she asks him

"Of course you did Courtney so much you splashed your sister with it, and she got really mad at you for getting her really wet" Niall says with a chuckle as he was going to help her to the bathroom so she could have a bit of a bath since she needed help there a little bit

Once the water was ready Courtney put her hand in the water and she started to splash it

"I remember this" she says as she looks at Niall as he was going to freshen her up a little bit before bed that night

"I'm glad you do sweetie" he says as he kissed her on the forehead as he washed her up

"Can i wash myself?" she asks as she looked into his eyes

"Sure you can I'll be right here to help you" he says as he stepped back a little bit since some of her memory was coming back now


"We can talk more tomorrow sweetie" Niall says as he was helping her to her room for bed that night

V & C

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