The New Additions

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It has been three days since Kian and Alexander have been home. Autumn and Courtney both love their little brothers. They try to help out every chance they get. Harry has also taken some time off from work just until we get settled and I can handle the twins and the girls while he works. After all they are only two and I have two newborns now. Which isn't easy.

"Okay you two I'm coming" Niall says when he hears the twins cry out on the monitor

Niall was sore from this delivery so he took it easy

"Niall go lay down I got the boys since the girls are playing in the playroom" Harry says when he hears the boys

"Bring them to me so we can feed them" Niall says as he heads to the living room, so he could feed the twins

Harry goes and gets the twins so they could be fed

"Are you girls okay?" Harry asks as he sticks his head in the playroom where the girls were playing happily with their toys

The girls nod at daddy as they continue to play that afternoon

"Maybe after papa and me feed the twins you guys can burp them" Harry says to the twins

Courtney was excited to be with her brothers for a little bit after they got fed

"Okay when they are almost done we will call you girls" Harry says as he puts in the speaker so Courtney could hear daddy call her and Autumn to tend to their brothers


"Courtney, Autumn do you want to help burp your brothers?" Harry calls to the girls

Courtney and Autumn come at Harry at full speed cause they loved to be with their brothers after daddy and papa have fed them 

"Girls be gentle they are little" Niall says to the girls when they were with the brother that they wanted to burp

"Yes papa" Courtney says as she gently burps Kian while Autumn had Alex

Kian and Alex both let out good burps for their sisters

"Okay i think the boys need a nappy change" Harry says when he saw that Alex was doing that face that he always does when he messes his nappy 

"Can i help change him daddy?" Courtney asks him

"Sure you can sweetie" Harry says as he goes over and helps Niall up since he was recovering from the births still

"Thanks Harry" Niall says as he gets up so he could change Kian

"Welcome Niall" Harry says as they head for the boys nursery so they could get changed

Niall walked slow to the nursery with Courtney helping him along the way

"Thank you Courtney" Niall says as he takes Kian to the other changing table so he could be changed

"Welcome papa" she says as she helps daddy with Alex

Courtney got on her little stool and stood by Alex as daddy was changing him

"Courtney you are a good big sister" Harry says as Alex was calm as he was being changed

Courtney smiled big at she let Alex squeeze her finger

"Thank you Courtney" Harry says as he finds Autumn so she could be with Alex while Harry did the laundry for Niall and get dinner on the table as well cause Niall was still recovering from the birth

Courtney attended to Kian who was not happy

"Why Kian cry?" she asks her papa as papa was changing Kian

"He doesn't like having his nappy changed and he has a bit of a rash on his little bum" Niall says as he applies the cream to the affected area

Courtney jumps into action and makes it all better for Kian by making silly faces which makes Kian smile.

"Thanks Courtney, Kian really liked that a lot" Niall says as he looks at Courtney who was being a great big sister to Kian since he was really upset

"Welcome papa" she says as she goes and plays while daddy was making dinner and papa was going to rest for a little bit since the boys were quite happy with their sisters now, so Niall was going to sit back and take it easy for a while cause this recovery was different then last time. Niall fell asleep while dreaming about his children and Harry.

(Should the twins Courtney and Autumn and the twin boys age up in the next few chapters?)

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