Niall's day out with the girls part 1

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Hey guys Priceisrightrusher here and I'm back. Sorry I have been gone. Been working two jobs for two months, and since it is the new year I am going to be on hopefully more. Anyways on with the story

"Niall what are you doing up so early?" Harry asks him one morning before Niall has the twins

"I am making breakfast with the girls, and today we are going to be spending time together just the three of us. Before the boys come" Niall says as he goes back to making the breakfast for the girls cause the boys were hungry and they needed fed too

"Oh what do you have plan" Harry asks him

"Going to get their hair and nails done to make them feel like princesses, and probably go shopping for clothes cause they are starting to outgrow some of their clothes already, and have lunch" Niall says as he goes up to see if the girls were up so they could get started on their day out cause it is going to be a good day out with just him and the girls

"Oh sounds like a good day to me" Harry says as he gets himself some breakfast before he goes to work that morning cause he was going to work up until the boys were born

"Yeah it is I hope the girls like it" Niall says as he gets the little girls up from their slumber that morning

(The girls room)

"Hey girls" Niall says as he comes in to get the girls up that morning, so they could start the day out with just the three of them before the boys come and it will be busy for sure

The girls were still asleep in their beds that morning, so Niall had to get the twins up cause he couldn't wait to spend some one on one time with the girls that

"Courtney wake up today papa is going to spend some time with you girls before your brothers come" Niall says as he comes by her bed to wake her up

Courtney slowly wakes up on her own and looks up at papa that morning

"Morning baby girl" he says as he looks at her

"Morning" she says to him

"Go down I made you and your sister a special breakfast cause today we are going to be spending the day together just the three of us before your brothers are born" Niall says to her in a whisper since Autumn was still asleep in her bed as well

Courtney goes down to breakfast that morning while papa wakes Autumn up, so he could get the girls fed and taken care of as well

"Autumn wake up today is a special day" Niall says as he gets her up as well cause he was so excited for this day in general

Alexis was still asleep and didn't want to wake up for papa that morning for some reason

"Today you will get to feel like a princess cause papa is going to take you to get your nails done and your done too baby doll, and we will have lunch at one of the local restaurants in town" Niall says as he tries to convince her that way to get up and get out of bed to go down and have breakfast with her sister

Autumn immediately wakes up cause she wanted to feel like a princess that she was

"Go down and join your sister cause papa has to go to the bathroom" he tells her

"Okay papa" she says as she goes down and have breakfast with her sister that morning

Niall goes to use the bathroom cause the boys were playing soccer with his bladder that morning


"Girls I have your outfits picked out upstairs go see what you girls are wearing on your special day out with papa" he says as he cleans up the breakfast dishes that morning

"Papa i can dress myself I am a big girl" Autumn says proudly

"Papa needs to change you still until we potty train you girls which will be soon" he says cause the girls are still wearing nappies

Courtney waited until papa was done with the dishes to take care of her cause she can't dress herself quite yet

"Courtney you don't have to wait for me silly girl you can go up on your own cause you are a big girl" he tells her

Courtney didn't hear him at all

"I think the batteries in your hearing aid died, so papa will take care of that for you, so you can hear again sweet girl" he says as he gets the batteries that he keeps on hand for the hearing aids for her, so she can hear alright again

Niall takes her hearing aids to replace the batteries, so she could hear again

"Oh no" he says when he opens the hearing aid to see that the battery had exploded

Niall knew that that hearing aid won't work for her at all, so he was going to see if he could stop and get her some new ones quick that morning while they were out and about having their day out

"At least it's only that one that had exploded" he says as he replaces the other batteries in the other hearing aid for Courtney, so she could hear

Niall hooks that one back on her ear, so she could hear okay

"Courtney we have to stop and get you a new hearing aid cause the other one the battery had exploded in that one, so papa going to get you a new one, so you can hear better okay?" Niall signs for her, so she could understand what he was saying to her cause she had one working one and the other one wasn't working either

Courtney nods cause she could read papa's lip perfectly

"Good come on let's get you dressed and ready for our day out cause we have a busy day ahead of us" he says as he takes her upstairs, so he could get her and Autumn dressed for their special day with papa that morning

V & C

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