Chapter 35

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We're going to court today. I don't think Courtney is ready for this. I mean my baby is going to face her attacker. Niall is staying at home with the kids. I did not want him here since he is 7 months pregnant.
"Papa where we going?" Courtney asked.
I didn't tell her where we were going today. I didn't tell her why it was only her and I and not the whole family.
"You'll see baby" I say not wanting to scare her.
Once we were outside the court house I parked the car and helped Courtney out of the car. I then took her hand and walked up to the court house.
Once we were inside I bent down to her height.
"Courtney were at a court house. You're going to have to see Jaxon again but it's just to testify against him." I say
"No! I no want to see him again!" Courtney cried in sadness.
"Courtney please it'll be okay. It's just to make sure he stays away from you" I begged my daughter.
"O-okay" Courtney said and I took her hand and went into the court room and went over to our lawyer.
"Would it be okay if I sit by her. She's really nervous about this" I say
"Yes it's fine" My lawyer said
Just then I saw Jaxon come in with his lawyer. I could see his mom and sister in the stands watching what will happen. We then stood for the judge and then sat back down.
"How does the defendant plea?" The judge asked
"Not guilty your honor" Jaxon's lawyer said.
I could see my daughter shake in fear when they called her up to the stand.
"You say my client touched you is that correct?" Jaxon's lawyer asked Courtney
"Yes" Courtney said
"When you say touched you mean touched as in a hug or holding your hand?" The lawyer asked.
"No he touched my body. I didn't like it"  Courtney said scared.
"Where did he touch you?" The lawyer asked
Courtney then showed the lawyer where Jaxon touched her. He then asked her a few more questions and then my lawyer did. They then asked Jaxon some questions.
"How does the jury find the defendant?" The judge asked
"We find the defendant guilty" the jury said.
"I sentence Jaxon Jacobson to a Juvenile detention facility until the age of 18. He is also here by given a restraining order against Courtney Styles Tomlinson and is not allowed within a 100 feet of her court adjourned" the judge said and left. Well it's not the best result but it's a start. I thought as I headed home with Courtney. Hopefully things would at least be a little better now.

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