Chapter 2

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It's been 4 weeks since I found out I was pregnant and I have not told my parents yet. I'm afraid of what they will think. I mean I'm a man who is pregnant. What will my parents think! I mean I'm only 16! I hope they don't kick me out! I have to tell them! I thought as I got out of bed and went down stairs. I looked to see my parents and my older brother Greg eating breakfast.

"Morning dear. Why don't you have some breakfast?" My mom said

"Actually I'm not really hungry. I wanted to tell you guys something." I said scared

"What is it dear?" My mom asked

"I'm p-pregnant" I said waiting for the yelling to start but it never came. I looked to see my brother shocked as well as my parents.

"I knew we should have gotten those female parts removed!" I heard my dad yell

"Bobby calm down. We both agreed that it was a gift remember." I heard my mom say.

"He's only 16 for crying out loud! How is he supposed to raise a child when he is one himself! He's not even done high school!" My dad yelled.

"Mom, dad please stop fighting you're upsetting Niall" I heard my brother Greg say. He was right they were upsetting me I've always been sensitive when it comes to fighting.

My mom then came over and bent down in front of me and wiped my tears like she did when I was little.

"Who's the father?" My mom said sadly

"K-Kyle is" I said with tear forming again.

"Does he know it's his?" My mom asked

"Yes but he made it clear that he didn't want anything to do with it" I said sadly

My mom then hugged me.

"What are you going to do about school?" My dad asked

"I'm going to finish high school online" I said

"Fine" my dad said and got up and walked away.

"He h-hates me n-now" I cried

"He doesn't hate you dear. He's just in shock. He'll come around. Have you been to the doctors yet?" My mom asked and I shook my head.

"Well we better go to see how far along you really are." My mom said with a smile.

"I want to go to!" Greg said

"Let's go then." My mom said

Once we were at the doctors my mom filled out some paper work and checked me in. While we were waiting I was playing Trivia Crack on my phone. What seemed like an hour was only 30 minutes when a lady came in.

"Hello I'm Dr.Pierce what beings you here today?" Dr. Pierce said.

"I'm pregnant and I want to know how long."

"Okay well just lay down and lift your shirt up for me." Dr. Pierce said

I did as I was told and she turned some machine on and then put this gel on my stomach that made me shiver from it's coolness.

"Well Niall it looks like you are in fact pregnant. Six weeks to be exact. It also looks like you are having twins! Congratulations!" Dr. Pierce said. Twins! I'm having twins! I know I'm only 16 but I couldn't be happier. I will love them no matter what! Even if Kyle doesn't want them! I will love them unconditionally.

"I'll go print some photos for you. I'll be right back." Dr. Pierce said and left.

"I can't believe it mom! I'm having twins! I'm so nervous!" I said

"Don't worry dear. I'll help you." My mom said and kissed my forehead. Just then Dr. Pierce came back in with an envelope and gave it to me.

"The pictures are in there. There is about 8 in there as well as a disc if you want to send copies to anyone" dr. pierce said

"Thank you" I said

"Now Niall I am go to write you a prescription to help with the growth of the baby. Since male pregnancies are rare I will write you a prescription to make sure your babies get enough nutrients" Dr. Pierce said.

"Thank you" my mom said

"Now you are to take one every morning and night. I've also written how many refills. If there are no questions I would like you to make an appointment for your next check up." Dr. Pierce said

My mom then made my appointment and we left with my brother. I'm going to be a father. I couldn't wait for my children to be born. They were my life, my miracles.

(Niall's 6 week ultra sound on the side)

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