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Today is the day! I finally get to be Niall James Styles! I'm so excited! Harry's sister Gemma was getting ready with the girls while I was getting ready with my baby boys.
I can't believe I am finally getting married. I thought as I looked in the mirror. I was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a blue bow tie. My little men wore the exact same thing except Kian had a blue bow tie and Alexander a green bow tie. I then heard a knock.
"Ready dear?" My mom said as she entered with a smile
"As ready as I'll ever be" I say and head out with her with the twins in front of me. I stood outside the doors and the wedding march began to play. First Harry's sister entered, then my brothers wife Denise, then my beautiful daughters began to throw petals as their brothers walked in front of them carrying rings. I then made my way with my mom holding my arm as I walked down the aisle. I looked up to see Harry with tears in his eyes. As I approached him he took my hand but not before my mom kissed my cheek to sit down.
"You look handsome" Harry mouth and I blushed.
"We are gathered here today to join these two men in holy matrimony" the priest started. I blocked him out as I only looked at Harry. The man who has helped me raise my daughters since they were babies even though they weren't biologically his, the man who gave me two handsome little boys.
"Niall?" The priest called
"What?" I said confused.
"You and Harry would like to recite your own vows" the priest said and I nodded shyly.
"Niall from the day I met you I knew there was something about you. I needed to know everything possible about you. When I first saw that you were a father at such a young age I could not believe it but now I am helping you raise the most adorable children in the world. I could not see my life with anyone else. You, our daughters, and our sons are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I promise to love you forever." Harry said which brought tears to my eyes.
"Harry I never believed that I would find someone to love me and my daughters. I thought that I was going to be a single parent for the rest of my life but you changed that and made life better for my girls and I. You are the best father to our daughters and our sons. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and cherish every moment with you. I love you." I said with tears of happiness running down my face.
"May I have the rings" the priest says
Alexander and Kian then hold up the rings and I take Harry's and he takes mine
"Do you Niall James Horan take Harry to be your awfully wedded husband to love and cherish, to have and to hold in sickness and health, for richer or poorer as long as you both shall live?" The priest said
"I do" I say as I slip Harry'a ring on his finger.
Do you Harry Edward Styles take Niall to be your awfully wedded husband to love and cherish, to have and to hold in sickness and health, for richer or poorer as long as you both shall live?" The priest said
"I do" Harry said and slipped the ring on my finger.
"You may kiss the groom!" The priest said and I felt Harry's lips on mine.
"I now present to you Mr. and Mr. Styles" the priest said and everyone cheered. I was finally married to the love of my life and I could not wait to see what life has in store for us.

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