Chapter 25

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Kian's POV
Alexander and I were having so much fun in first grade! We love our teacher Miss. Murphy but she said we can call her Miss. Lily. I was playing with some blocks during centers time when some boy came over to me. He had blue eyes and brown hair. He was cute! Wait am I allowed to think that?"
"Hi I'm Skyler!" He said happily.
"I'm Kian! Let's be friends!" I say happily.
"Okay! Can I play with you?" Skyler asked happily.
"Sure you can!" I say and Skyler joins me as we play blocks together. I looked over and giggled at my brother who was playing dress up with some girls. He looked like he was having fun but I'll stick with blocks and playing with Skyler.

Alexander's POV
I was playing dress up! Lately I have liked trying the costumes for the last month! I have loved dressing up in the princess costumes. I feel so pretty in them. I also have been wanting to dress like a girl but I am afraid to ask daddy and papa. I mean I get that they are both boys and like each other but would they let me dress up like a girl? I just don't know.
I had just put on a princess costume and was playing with my best friend Aria. She dressed up as Cinderella and I dressed up as Belle. She was my favorite princess.
"Look at me aren't I pretty Aria!" I say
"You are Alexandria!" Aria said
She knows I like to be called Alexandria. She's the only one who calls me it. I'm afraid to tell anyone else. Maybe I'll talk to daddy and papa tonight. The rest of the day I spent it sitting near Kian and his friend Skyler and my friend Aria as we worked on our math, language arts and other subjects. Before we knew it school was over and Papa and Daddy came to get us with Kian and I's sisters.
"Hey you two! How was school?" Daddy Niall said.
"It was fun! I made a new friend named Skyler!" Kian said happily
"Really? That's great!" Papa Harry said
"I played with Aria! She's so nice! We played dress up!" I said all excited.
"Really? Was it fun?" Daddy Niall asked
"Very! She's super nice! She's my best friend!" I said excitedly
"I worked on a project with my friend Macy!" Autumn said.
"Same! But with my friend Sienna!" Courtney said
"Well it seems you all had fun. Now once we get home daddy and I have something to tell you" papa said. I wonder what's going on. I saw the look of confusion on my siblings faces as well. Once we got home and put our stuff down everyone say in the living room to hear the news.
Harry's POV
Niall and I were expecting again! I'm so excited! I think he's hoping we don't have twins this time. Although I wouldn't mind it I mean I do want at least six kids I mean we have four already. Time to tell the kids.
"Okay you four well your dad and I would like you to know that you're going to be older siblings!" I said happily.
"You mean?" Autumn said
"Yup your getting a little brother or sister!" Niall said happily
"Yay!" They all cheered.
"Now since it's Friday you all can go play as long as your homework is done." I say and they all nod. All of them ran off except for Alexander.
"Alexander is something wrong?" Niall asked
"Well um you see" Alexander said nervously.
"What is it son?" I asked.
"I want to be a girl" Alexander said
"What?" Niall and I said shocked
"I don't feel like a boy daddy and papa. I feel like a girl." Alexander said. I was trying to understand this. I mean I love Alexander but I don't know how I feel about this.
"Niall what do you think?" I asked Niall.
"I think that we should do what Alex feels most happy with." Niall said to me.
"Okay." I say with a sigh.
"Alexander listen to me. We love you no matter what and if this is what you want papa and I will accept it. Now tell us what would you like to be called so we can get your named changed." Niall said
"Alexandria is my name." Alexander I mean Alexandria said happily. This was going to take some time now we just have to get the rest of the kids used to this.
"Well Alexandria we love you very much" I say and hug him tightly to prove my point. Niall then hugged him.
"This weekend we will get you whatever you want to make you feel more comfortable whether it be wardrobe change, room change, whatever it is we will do it just so you're comfortable with being who you really are and like papa said we love you very much" Niall said
"Go play now" I say and he runs off. I sigh and shake my head.
"Are you okay?" Niall asked me.
"I will be I'm just going to have to get used to calling our son well daughter now Alexandria instead of Alexander." I said
"We'll get through it. Just like everything else. Now let's go join the kids and make dinner" Niall said.
We then had dinner and spent the rest of the night playing with our kids.

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