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copyright © 2021 by httpsviken

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. There should not be adaptation or plagiarism of this work without the author's permission.



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They say time stops for no one. Elapsed time never comes back, that's the laws of nature. I accepted my death. I was a fool, coward, and selfish. I thought, I deserved it and it was retribution for betraying that man's trust again and again.

I died in the hands of the man I trusted my life. He never loved me. He just used me for his gain. I couldn't believe the moment he betrayed me. Did I really have no chance of seeing happiness? Did Hecate hate me so much? What sins had I committed that I never got to see the chance to see happiness?

I blink my eyes. Shuddering to my bones at the sight of that man who was sitting before me. The same brown locks covering his forehead and a beautiful smile that rested on his lips. I licked my lips nervously, forcing a measured smile.

"Ari do you remember when we were kids we used to run away It's home momentarily?" He asked in the similar tone he used to and continued speaking, "It's fun, isn't it, Thanks to Jena, we were able to escape that bloodsucker,"

Bloodsucker? You mean, my husband?

"Why is the monster-like him born and even gifted with immortality, That's something that should belong to us witches and wizards."

Am I seeing my life flash before me eyes? Like they say one see before dying?

"By the way, Ari. Did you bring the documents I asked for the Hwang do deal contract?" He asked while I simply sat their my breathing growing abnormal as I tried to understand my situation.

The man sitting before me was Nam Jaejun my boyfriend. Not anymore. Why did I associate myself with a bastard like him?

But, What the heck am I doing here? I looked around the room nervously. For some reason I could feel the chills on my nape. This 5-star restaurant? I remember being here why isn't the scene moving why do I feel so stuck here? Am I not dead yet? I wondered.

My heart beating wild. I took sharp breaths to feel less uneasy. But, it wasn't really helping because the more time passed slowly, the more I felt scared of what was to come next. I dug my nails in my palm, feeling the pain I was sure that it wasn't a dream.

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