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The cloud cloaked the bright blue sky. The cold winds blew harshly, indicating the start of Autumn. Ari steps out of the cab, her sunglasses resting on her nose bridge and duffle bag hanging on her back as she glances around the dark alley before her eyes.

She takes out her wallet, paying the driver. He smiles at her and drove away, and a sigh escaped Ari's lips. She walked into the dark alley. It was calm and desolate with hawkers selling various things.

She stops right before the massive villa in the midst of the dark and dirty surrounding. The villa was half covered with creepers and plants. Her hand traced the iron gate, a small smile appears on her face as she glanced inside to see young girls and boy's playing.

“Hey! Who are you?” A voice asks suspiciously, attracting Ari's attention to the owner. The young girl stood there in white dress with a book in her hand.

“How dare you touch the gates of our organization with your dirty hands!!” The girl continued to yell as she glared at Ari. Ari smiled, organization? Well, that's new! I thought she'd call it an orphanage.

“Well, I just wanted to! What are going to do?” Ari smirks, she concentrates her mana in her hands, still staring at the innocent girl. The green light appears as she pushes the gate opens. The panic swells in the young girl's chest as she jumps back.

“ARI! OH MY GOODNESS,” The elderly woman appears. She envelops Ari in the embrace.
“Priestess Joo, who this woman and why—”
“She is Ari, Moyeon, Priestess Min.” Priestess Joo informs, and a gasp left Moyeon's lips as she glanced at Ari. A deep sense of embarrassment filled her up, and immideatly she bowed before Ari.

“I'm extremely sorry, Ma'am!” Moyeon apologized her face turning pink. Ari smiled, not being able to hold back. She extended her hand to ruffle the young girl's hair.
“Please don't call me ma'am I feel like an old lady when I'm only 22,”
“Oh okay,”
“Just call me Unnie.”

Priestess Joo looked at Ari and Moyeon lovingly. She wiped the tears, seeing the child they cherished returned home after so many years.

Ari phone buzzes causes her to instantly look at the screen. Her smile dropped as she looked at it. Priestess Joo notice the change in mood, she decided to snap her out of it.

“Ari, come inside!” Priestess Joo utters, breaking Ari from the train of thoughts. Ari looks up and smiles nodding.
“Yes aunty,”

I follow her inside. The smell of white sage, incense, and herbs filling my lungs. My heart rate slows down and the head gets filled with peace. The memories of my childhood refreshing in my head as I walked through the corridors of the old temple. It might look like a mansion from outside, but inside it's a temple of Hecate and witches practices magics here. It is an adoption center for outside world but this place usual nurtures the witches, their children.

After my dad disappeared and following, my mother passed away. I was brought here for two years when I learned all about witchcraft, spells and all. Before my uncle discovered me and took me away. I wheel my suitcase until, Priestess Joo stops, I halt behind her, and she takes out the keys chain and then inserts the key in the doorknob before opening the door. I peek inside the room.

“Ari, this is your room. If you need anything, tell Moyeon, okay!”
“Yes,”I reply looking around the small room. Nostalgic, living in that large mansion, I forgot small rooms exist. Heh!

I smile appears on my lips as I gazed across the room. A window from across the door, wardrobe boxes on the right wall and a table and chair under the cabinet. A small bed against the left wall. A table lamp, next to the bed. I close the door behind me and letting go of my luggage. I fall on the bed, my eyes closed.

I didn't meet Yeonjun after he left that morning, I couldn't even explain to him anything. He didn't come back home, most probably he wasn't in the city. I waited for him the entire day, but then news of the High Priestess came.

If my memory from past life is correct. After the High priestess passed away, this place crumbled. The only coven of the world disappeared from the face of Earth. This was the defeat of witches, I don't have time for Yeonjun right now. He is important, but this is important too.

I wonder what is he doing? I pout blankly, staring at the ceiling, before curling into a ball. The knock on the door wake me up, because I didn't get a good night sleep. I get up, walking up to the door. I open it in half.

“Ari!” My head went up to meet his eyes he
stood there with his eyes brightly shining. I smile, “Woosukieee!” I open the door, and extended my arm to hug him.

“How are you? Is that vampire treating you right?” Was the first thing he asked.
“Yes. . . I'm fine, and he treats me alright,” I reply.
“What's with the long face? Did you fight him again?”
“No, Ah—Not really, but he heard me telling you to look for Jaejun's were bouts,” I smile sheepishly looking.
“That bastard's name is unlucky,” Woosuk eyes turns into a glare as he cusses Jaejun. I smile at his cute behavior. Before opening the door fully, I gesture him to get inside. My face turning serious.

“Did you find about him?” I ask, closing the door behind me as he pulls out the chair and sit, taking out a file from under his jacket and tossing it on the table.

“Yes, everything I could with my resources. . . He is doing something suspicious for past few months, I think right after he ran away from your mansion.” He adds, and I take the file of investigation, opening the documents.

I see the pictures of him with people of SKZ corp. My eyes narrowing, they are perfect competition of Choi Conglomerate. The reason Yeonjun gets enraged hearing their name.

No wonder he kept asking me to bring those files. I felt frustrated, I took Yeonjun's hard worked documents and gave away to that idiot like a fool. How can I be blind? He is such an asshole. And, Yeonjun is such an asshole. He should've had thrown me out, punished me so badly, keep me in dungeons. He just kept letting it pass. How can he let his hard work go in vain like that? Why love me like a fool to let my any mistake pass? Why?

Tears blurred my vision as I gazed at the documents with glazing eyes, crumbling the documents in my hand. The tears ran across my face, I collapse on the floor, crying. Woosuk rushes my side.

“Why was I so stupid? Why did I keep doing it again and again? How can I lose my morals? How can I be like that?” I cried, he embraces me in a hug.
“It's okay Ari, people make mistakes.”
“I'm such a bad person.”
“You're not a bad person, you're just someone who did some bad things. It doesn't define you. People make mistakes, it's okay. What matters is that you realized your mistakes.” Woosuk pats my head. I push him away, sobbing, I wipe my tears.

I gaze at the paper again. “I won't let him hurt Yeonjun again. I won't let him succeed, again. Even if I have to break the laws of coven. I will get rid of this nuisance once and for all.”

Woosuk narrows his eyes, unable to understand what Ari meant. What does she mean by again? He thought. While, he saw her eyes gleaming dangerous green like a dark fiery forest. Again? He realised one thing, that something has changed in her. Since the last time he saw her. She cared only about herself, disregarding anyone feeling who was close to her.

She wasn't a girl who was uninterested in everything and the world, and she wasn't the selfish brat who cared only for herself anymore. She cared for him, her husband. Who even disregarded the rules of both worlds to be with her? He clearly remembers the day Yeonjun stepped inside coven unarmed just to ask a way from high priestess to save her abs to be with her.

It was the same reason why the elder priestesses even allowed this marriage. Blessed Ari for a bright, beautiful life, unaware how much the young girl hated it.
Was it the power of real love that changed her? He knew one thing, this change will save them all one day.

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