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The thick gold light of the evening served to deepen the atmosphere of funeral. The room was full of sorrow. Countless number of people in dark clothes stand around the casket where the body of the High Priestess was kept. The eyes numb with tears, Woosuk stands in the corner.

“Woosuk, we should proceed with the rites!” One of the priests told him, of breaking him out from the daze. Woosuk looks up, almost gasping, He looks at his mother for one last time. His watering again, unlike normal males. Woosuk was one sensitive child. He couldn't help but cry, he nodded while wiping his tears and moved closer to her.

• • •
His dark, red eyes pierced mine. Digging holes in my soul. My heart beating furiously, I don't understand why I was crying? But I was crying. My hands on his chest, drawing a space between us. This looks familiar. What am I doing here? High Priestess, Woosuk. Where are all of them? I remember using a destructive spell to kill witch Joo. According to the laws of coven. . . Am—am I dead? Did I again return to time? I looked at Yeonjun, my body was not even moving to my accord this time. Even if I was present. I couldn't feel my senses, as if it is a dream. A dream? It could be possible.

“Why me? Why does it have to be me, Choi Yeonjun?” I asked that question again. My mouth moving on its own.
 With a long pause, he replied, “Because it has to be you. . .”

My heart began to beat violently, rocking my chest and filling my stomach with butterflies. I remember hating to hear that. Now, all I could feel is flutters.

The spicy smell of meadows and honey fill my lungs, as I take a deep breath. It's his scent, a smile made its way to my lips. I want to open my eyes, but why do they don't open? I couldn't even move my body. My body was laying on the cloud-like mattress. I hear the footsteps drawing closer to me. I feel the dip on the mattress. It's his footsteps. I feel his hand on my cheeks, his thumb caressing my facial skin, drawing circles.

“When will you wake up?” I feel his breath right in the middle of my forehead. His body weight shifting on mine. His lips pressed against my forehead, he pulled apart, leaving his wet imprint on my forehead. My struggle to open my eyes began, I collected every ounce of energy in my body to open my eyes. I fluttered my eyes open, breathing deeply. The oxygen mask on the mouth was obstructing my view.

His figure filled my sight. He was monitoring the beeping machine near the bedside. His eyes focused on it, then he looks at me. His face looked haggard, dark circles once again made its home under his eyes. The stunned expression covered his lips.

“Yeonjun,” I rasped, as I stretch my hand towards his face.
“Ari. Ari—” He looked at me and then at the beeping machine kept on the bedside. He again looks at me, Did I tell you guys? Yeonjun, actually a residency doctor currently.

I saw them again, tears spilling down his eyes as they once again turn to the color of rubies. It happens when he is excited, I smiled, to see those ruby eyes worried about me. Stupid Ari from past. Look at this man. Stupid Ari!

“I thought. . . No! I—” He seemed to choke on his words, as he covered his mouth several times while speaking.

“Don't—” I coughed, “Don't cry!”
He removes my mask, “Are you stupid, why are you speaking? Your throat must be scratchy.”

• • •

"Ew! I don't want porridge! Why porridge? I woke up after so long, give me something good!” I whine, Yeonjun gives me a so done look.
“You can't have a heavy meal right now. You woke up after so long. Porridge will be easier to digest!” Yeonjun reasons. Bringing the spoon full of it closer to my mouth.

“Ew! No!" I look away. Feeling my nauseous with its smell. Suddenly, he grabs my jaws, making me look in his direction. He grabbed them so tight my mouth formed an 'o' shape and opened, he inserts the porridge in my mouth.

I gulped it down, gagging. He patted my head, “Good girl, Now take it all.” He whispered in my ear. The pit of my stomach flutters. The blood rushed my cheeks.

I puffed my cheeks, “Stop teasing me!”
“My tongue can do a better job of teasing you than my words,”

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you the real Choi Yeonjun. Now, I couldn't even look him in the eye. I bite my lips, feeling my cheeks hot, I grab the bowl. I begin to eat quickly, even though I wasn't liking it. It was better to eat porridge than to face this man. My heartu. He is bad for my heart.

“Are you biting your lips? Don't take away my job, Ari,”
Take a deep breath. You're used to it. Breath in, breath out.
“Choi Yeonjun enough, I'm eating!” I whine, a bubbly chuckle leaves his stomach. His eyes light up like a million of fireflies, the smile spread across his lips.

“Oh Ari!” He whispered, planting a kiss on my forehead, “I love you so fucking much!”

“I love you, too, from the Sun to Uranus and back.”

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