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I opened my eyes slightly as the sunlight peeked through the black curtains. Groaning, I myself to sit up. My eyes still on the curtains knowing that the whole mansion is only in one person's room.


I looked down at my body and I was hopefully wearing clothes and I heaved a sigh. I sat upright, a small satisfactory smile on my lips knowing he did not touch me even after behaving like that last night.

I rubbed my bleary eyes removing the sheets. I set my feet on the floor walking towards the window to remove the curtains. When the noise of the door opening caught me off guard.

Jolting, I look over my shoulder to see Yeonjun coming out wearing the black bathrobe, his one hand patting the black wet hair from which water was dripping and he locked his gaze with me. The heat rushed my cheeks seeing his exposed neckline and Unintentionally, I licked my lips upon seeing him.

My lips shut firmly, and hurriedly I turned my head. My heart skipped a beat. For a moment, I wished we were like normal couples. I looked at my feet my hand fisting the fabric of curtain.  Tears welled up in my eyes.

I had to take deep breaths to calm myself down. While, I was doing so his hand wrapped around my waist. I felt his presence right behind me. I took a deep breath pulling my hand away to my chest. I didn't like it at all, I turned around faking a smile. 

My eyes travelling down the droplets of water cascaded down his hair to the skin. My heart was tingling suddenly. I turned into a beetroot. 

"You awake quite early little witch?" He starts and I sigh my shoulder relaxed seeinseeing his temperament. 

"Good Morning to you too," I say, "And I have a name, Please stop calling me that," I calmly said and he raises his eyebows in amusment.

If I was like my past self, I would have blowed up on him ruining his mood early in the morning. Don't ask me where this audacity was coming from? I was thoroughly manipulated by the toxic people into thinking I was superior to him. Because I was someone who practised good witchcraft.

Now that I have returned from future. I was well aware when amd how can I make him lose his mind and patience which I didn't wanted. 

He chuckles, "Someone said she doesn't want to hear her name from flithy mouth like mine," I shot him a look.

'Did I ask?' Flustered expression covered my cheeks.

He shrugs his shoulder. I juggled my brain trying to remember if I said it but, my memories were dazed. I only remembered the significant moments from my past life.

"Whatever please call me by my name, don't call me little witch is cringy," I said crossing my arms on chest.

I don't know where this much audacity was coming. He smile. My eyes widen as suddenly my heart skipped a beat. 

"Ari!" He said his deep voice thundered in my ear. Again, caught of gaurd I looked at him with confusion written all over my face. I blink my eyes couple of times without even realizing.


Even in my past life I rarely heard him calling my name so softly. Since he always called my name  when he was  serious or angry.

Other than tha he would playfully call me. 'Little witch this little witch that'. To annoy me but when our relationship strained to the point where he couldn't make jokes. I never heard him call me 'Little Witch' again. I was kind of confused, disoriented to how to react to that? He seemed oddly satisfied with my confused face.

I looked away trying to divert my mind. My eyes landed on the clock, it was 7: 45 a.m. and according to my past self it was indeed strange for me to wake up this early. I think, I atleast picked up some good habits from my fucked up past life. I nodded subconsiously thinking about it. I looked back at him, sharply. I tried to but failed terribly and looked down submassively, pushing my hair back and he was still looking at me.

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