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“She was in my presidential suite, but I can assure I never went back to the room, you can look at the footage of my office,” Yeonjun told. I glared at him, while he gave the statement. What was that Siren doing in his Presidential Suite.

Yeonjun's body stiffened under Ari's gaze. He tried avoiding her eyes, while answering the questions. Officer somehow noticed the tension between the pair.

The investigator took our statement. He closes his diary, gazing at me and then at Yeonjun. I raise my eyebrow. He looks at Yeonjun again.

“How is she related to you, Mr. Choi?” The officer proceeded to ask.
“She is my wife,” Yeonjun quickly replies. The officer nods, then suddenly his eyes widen as he processed the information. He looked back at Yeonjun and Ari.

“Both of you are husband and wife, you don't look like one!!” Officer exclaims. Yeonjun immideatly annoyed with his remark, narrows his eyes glaring at the woman officer. Ari, glanced nervously at Yeonjun sensing his murderous intent.

“We are officers, I understand you must be confused because we look like mere college students,” Ari saves the situation with a witty remark. Officer, laughs it off. Then, she looks at the Yeonjun suspiciously.

“Then, why did Mr. Choi had a woman in his suite?”

Yeonjun locks eyes with her. His eyes glinting red, but of course, a normal human can never see it. The moment her eyes locked on him. She could feel the shiver running down her spine. The female officer was a daring one, she kept looking at him without looking away.

“She was given to me by a business partner for tonight, but I couldn't say no. But I never went to the room,” Yeonjun replies nonchalantly.

The officer smiles, she gazes at Ari looking for her reaction. Ari sat there quietly, a blank expression spread across her face. Her eyes widen, seeing. How can she sit quietly even after hearing such a thing? How? While, Officer took her time to comprehend.

She again notices body language of Yeonjun. His body resting leading the table, while he adoringly stared at his wife. His eyes filled with crazy desire to claim her wife. It was even visible in his fox like gaze.

“Then, Mr. Choi I'll take my leave. You'll have to come if we need any statement. Please don't leave the city until we finish our investigation. With your luxuries, I don't think you'll have a problem,” Officer said to Yeonjun, He nods, shrugging his shoulder.

The moment, officer Park steps out of the room. Her subordinate followed her behind, “Don't you think Mr. Choi is suspicious? To think his wife was also present here. . .” He stops looking around if anyone heard them.

“I don't think he was planning to cheat on her. The way he looks at his wife. It is full of obsessiveness, and even if he is. What does it matter? It's not like they can be harmed just because of the woman whose name is unknown. He is one of the three masters of Choi,” She replies, smirking as she stretched her body as she walked in the lobby of the hotel.

“Yes Ma'am I'm aware but still. . .”
“First thing, I would say, eliminate any thoughts that a man would never cheat on his wife. I've heard the tales of from officers of the other city. You want to know what it is?” She asks, her eyes full of amusement.

The subordinate looked at her with eyes full of expectations, “Apparently, one of the Choi was married. Until some months back, He would try to track her on her every step. He is completely obsessed with her. The way Choi Yeonjun looks at Choi Ari,” She chuckled again.

• • •

I focused on her every step. The moment she stepped out of the cabin, locking the door behind her. I looked back at Yeonjun, getting up from the couch. I walked to him, grabbing his collar.

“What were you doing with her?” I demanded.
Yeonjun grins, resting his hands on my waist, “Aww! Is my Ari finally jealous?”
I frown even though my face was flushing, “Be serious!”
“I'm extremely serious,” He replies, pressing his lips together suppressing his smirk. I know he would never cheat on me. But, she was a siren. I bite my inner cheek looking at him pouting. His hands skated down to my hips, and he pulled me against him, tucking his chin above my head.

“Now you understand what I felt a that time?” He asked softly. The tears formed in my eyes. My heartbeat quickens, You didn't talk to me for days. Do you even know how far can a girl with a complex mind as mine can think? I thought in my head. His breathing, trickling on my skin, making me feel ticklish.

“Get close to them. I will kill them all,” I gave him the same threat he used to give me. A bubbly chuckle left his mouth. He pressed his lips against my forehead, kept pressing for some time leaving his wet imprint on my forehead.

His hands still sliding, pushing me against himself. I feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy, my face flushes red. I don't push him away. His beautiful red eyes set on mine. My lips curled up in a giddy smile with his touch, lightening fire in the pit of my stomach. His dark gaze was full of evil desires.

“Ari,” He rasped. He gets closer, “I would never cheat on you,”
I close my eyes, “I know. I know. . .”

He hushed my lips with his hard press lips. His body heavily, “Thank You for trusting me,” He hoarsely said. I wrapped my hands around him tightly. While his mouth was raking down my neck.

Suddenly, the door of the office opened. I jerked back, pushing him away from me. Looking back, I saw Woosuk, his face covered in sweat and eyes gazed at me unsettling, making me nervous.

“Ari noona! I think we need to talk!” He said, breathing heavily. I gazed back at Yeonjun and then at him. Yeonjun's face turned sour while he glared at him. I nod walking towards him and when we were facing each other standing close.

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