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I look up at the sky, through the branches of trees sighing deeply. I could hear people talking, laughing and birds chirpping. This is true solace, being free away from that dark room. My lips curled up slightly as I took a deep breath recalling what happened in the morning.

I step out of bathroom in my bathrobe, when I hear Yeonjun's voice. He was standing right in front of me talking on the phone.

"Ari!" He whisper calls me.
"Hmm?" I hum and ask so my voice could be heard on the call. He was waving his neck tie, "Call the executives and general manager, Yeah and..." He looks at me with pleasing eyes and mouths 'Make my necktie.'

I was a little taken aback but nodded and walked across the room to him taking the necktie from him, I extend my hands sliding it around his neck as I began to do my work. I hear his conversation.

"Do it now!" He orders and then hangs up then looking at the phone while, swiping up and down and then calling another number and putting the phone on his ears. He starts talking, I could hear the other person. Probably stuttering while speaking but Yeonjun wasn't caring.

"I need those files on my table, Before they reach, do you get it?" He asks and person answers yes and then he hungs up on them, sighing deeply. I straighten his tie looking at the length and everything after it was done because I could feel his gaze on me. I didn't had courage to look him in the eyes.

"Don't you have lectures today?" He asks suddenly, I shot my head to look up.
"Yeah-Yeah I do,"
"Then, why are yo still in bathrobe?" He raises his eyebrows, his lips slightly pouting.
"Am I all-llowed?" I ask stuttering slightly. He blinks for a moment before nodding, "Yeah! You can go didn't I tell you in the morning?" He asks. I tried to remember but couldn't, he smiles. I lowkey kept glancing at him wondering why is he smiling like that?

He wraps his hand around the back of my head as if patting, "Go to college and study hard!" He said as be leans forward pressing his lips against mine before pulling back. It was short yet sweet kiss. I don't know what kind of expression I had at that time but he was chuckling because that was quite unexpected. He never gives short kisses, like this. It was so cute that I'm damn sure that I had that shocked expression on my face.

He turns around. In my room is divided into two parts the bed chamber and normal living space (with study, couches and book shelves). He quickly steps down the two steps that elevates my bedchamber and walks across the room to the door.

I bite my lips because I was literally cringing everytime I recalled it. The moment was just something that I always imagined as I teenager, making my husbands necktie as he kisses me and leaves for the office. Though our circumstances were different but he brought one of my imaginations to reality. I couldn't contain my smile.

• • •

I was at hospital to meet Yeji again. She smiles, "Hey! Babe I missed you." She said softly I smiled dryly.
"Yeah me too,"
"Why didn't you come to visit me? I thought you came to know about Jaejun's accident-" She stops as her eyes widen looking at me. I blink my eyes staring at her.
"I-I mean, you must be busy" she laughs and I roll my eyes. Yeah I was extremly busy being locked up in my own house.
"Don't worry, I didn't go to visit Jaejun why would I go? I have already broke up with him."
"Really?" She asks and nod, she pouts looking elsewhere, making that expression 'hard to believe but okay.' I huff before chuckling.

"I telling the truth,"
"Okay! So why didn't you visit me?"
"Well, I was kind of busy and You know I want to but my circumstances didn't allow,"
"Oh its okay,"

I asked her about her health and we talked lightly about her leg and my life at college. When she suddenly said, "Ari! You remember Priestess Youngsoo?" She asks.
I blink trying to remember, "Isn't she elder witch who swore that she will leave the world (die) only if she meets the Queen again?" I ask.

The Queen is dead for thousands of years and witch only lives for 100 to 200 years, unlike vampires. I too will soon start aging. Sigh life.

"Yeah her," I raise my eyebrow asking.
"I heard she died and she said that she met the Queen,"
"What really?" I exclaimed at the ridiculous statement and she eyes at me to keep my voice down.
"Yeah, you know what she said before going?"
"She said, the Queen has graced the lands by being born again, her eyes resembles like that of lioness and her beauty cannot compared to anyone just like we heard in the folktales, but she is born with a destiny if she fails to save that person before the blood moon, she will die!"

I blinked my eyes hearing the story wondering how she remembers her prophecy word by word. She raises her eyebrows asking for a comment on the story. I simply shrugged my shoulder not sure what to say?

"Did she tell where she met her and who is that person Queen is suppose to save?" I ask and she shurgs, "Nope, she faded away before she could complete and high Priestess is now forming a group to start searching for her,"
My eyes lightned as I looked at her, She knew my look. We were like twins our thoughts and everything matched. She sighs, "I'll talk to high priestess about you" Yeji answers sighing.

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