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She looks at me blankly, You don't like me. I get it. A warm tear slipped down from my eyes. I softly caressed her cheeks. She closed her eyes as I heard her heart beating wildly, her eyes when she opened shined brightly like emerald gem.

Are you angry? Just kill me, again.

"Choi Yeonjun, Are you telling the truth?" She asks suddenly sitting up. I couldn't help but giggle at her. She calls my name it sounds funny for some reasons. I haven't heard her calling me by my name in ages.

All I have heard, Crazy bastard. Scumbag. Jerk. Rascal. And every curse word one could think of.

"Yes, I do!" I answered. She blinks her eyes furiously breathing heavily. I was still laying on the bed my hands softly tracing circles on her thighs as my hands reaches up to her neck and I pull her close to me.

She didn't resist me. I softly brush my lips against hers. Not touching, simply brushing our nose touched but still it wasn't a kiss. She licks her lips before pressing my lips on mine. I heard her heartbeat unsteadily. We kissed her each other passionately it was long kiss.

She smiles, kissing me again. She breaths and I breath the same air as her. I cup her cheeks as we kissed deeply and more hungrily.

ARI. This is definitely a dream, the tone and vibes. I get from him. He was just like this in high school before he changed. I couldn't control my body. I wanted this side of him. They way he looked at me, not with anger and dissatisfaction. The same loving gaze.

His hands were in my hair he kiss me. I pull again looking into his eyes, He looked at me just the same way panting. He caresses my neck looking all the way down removing starnds of hair from my face. Can we start over again? I thought in my head.

He looked at me with a gaze that melted me and left me breathless. I was brought to the realization that he had noticed my not so subtle gaze at him causing the pool of blood to rush to my face. I still couldn't look away. This man is my husband. My man. My hand instantly went up covering my face not my face but, my smirk that widened at the thought of the word my man.

My eyes locked with his, I wanted to look away shyly act coy but I was so caught up with the thought of what is going inside his head for him to look at me so intensely. He narrowed his eyes because I was able to hold his gaze and he inched towards me reaching out to tug his tie. He sat on the edge of the bed tossing away his tie.

"Come here," he said in his deep honey gentle command, giving me goosebumps.

I did. I did what he said. I moved close to him until I was nearly sitting on the top. He softly caressed my cheeks as I gazed at him with my doe-like eyes. I want to do something more, in these dim lights. My hands reaching out to take off his specs. I landed my lips on top of his.

I couldn't think straight maybe because of the wet dream. I didn't even know what to do next but his hand kept my head in place as he claimed mouth in his and that was so much hotter with no less intimate than the first. His lips slanted over mine got and needy as his tongue tasted my mouth. Even if I was the one who initiated and he was the one beneath he was still more dominant. I was intoxicated by the feel of his arms around me, his lips on mine and the scent of my man.

YEONJUN. A superb fragrance was emitted from Ari slender neck. I unwittingly rubbed the tip of my nose and breathed in heavily. I put my teeth on the edge of her neck.


All the pain made her shiver with pleasure. The nape of her neck was defiled from the side.

ARI. His hot lips sucked, kissed and bit from neck to shoulder to collarbone. Finally, after a kiss on my soft breast, he raised his head to my eyes. He laughed abruptly.

"Flowers," He say gazing down at my exposed chest. Looking down my eyes widen seeing the red marks between my collarbone and chest, it looked like rose petals scattered on me. My hands softly grazed the hickeys. For the moment all those moments from the future flashed in my mind when I looked at them disgusted and scratched them in anger at being toyed by Yeonjun, but never assumed them like flower petals.

It caught me off-guard when he chuckled again kissing my neck.

"You look so cute," He says and blood rushes my cheeks as I look at him shyly through my lashes. Before leaning down as he bites my earlobe, "And sexy with those voluminous bosoms,"

The low thick voice had reddened to her neck and the red glow of arousal travelled to her breasts. It was such a look that made a man so dynamic. Yeonjun's tongue filled my mouth with a skilful kiss that made me lose my breath and pant. His hands played with my breasts-pinching and tickling my breast.

I gasped at every little touch.

He giggles. I looked at him through my blurry gaze. I was literally half blinded by the pleasure at the moment. It was a long night, but not like other nights. It wasn't just a one sided thing. Maybe it was what making love meant? Under then moon light.

The sun rose from the buildings, I stir wake up from my sleep. Feeling a hand wrapped tightly around my waist the light trickling in the room from between the black curtains. I heard Yeonjun groan as the sunlight reaches him. I tried to hide him from the light with my shadow. He snuggles his face in the pillow.

Annyong Haseyo Yurobun~
I decided to bring a triple update and next part might be a little shocking so I'm still consider if I should write it or not. Tysm for reading. I hope you liked these chapters.

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