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The sun sets, the twilight is coming. A bright moon rises, bringing a starry night sky. A group of stars with lazy eyes scattered around the moon. The streets were filled with people, wearing colorful clothes or vibrant clothes as they walked down the pathway.

“We are here! Quickly get off!” Woosuk said, his behavior looked slightly unusual and energetic cause normally he is a lazy dude. I sighed and opened the door, stepping out, I stretched my body.

I looked at the building before my eyes, It was a tall and massive structure. And, I gasp as I watched until the rooftop and then back at Woosuk. He walks to stand by my side, “We have to go in that building,” He points, and I nod.

We began walking and crossed the road, there were plenty of people standing there in shimmering clothes, body exposing and expensive branded ones. I just looked at them and then, I looked at myself.
My clothes looked incredibly shabby before them. I held the corner of Woosuk clothes, He stops, glancing at me.

“Are you sure we can go like this?” I ask, narrowing my eyes. He nods, “They want entry, but I already have the passes and when you'll go in you'll find people in normal clothes.” He assured, and I gazed at him squinting my eyes, a sigh escaped my lips.

Suddenly, the goosebumps appear on my skin. And, I raise my head looking in all direction as I hugged my body tightly. When Woosuk again brings attention to me.

“What now?” He asks, I give him a look.
“Is Yeonjun here?” I ask.
“Maybe, after all this club is owned by Choi's.” He said enthusiastically. He proceeds to walk inside. But, I grabbed him by collar, pulling him backward.
“Huh? Did you bring me here deliberately?” I ask, narrowing my eyes.

He stands awkwardly, his eyes on the same level as me. He smiles, “Noona! It's one of the most famous only few people get the pass to get in," “Fine,” I nod, and we walk inside.

• • •

The music was booming in my head. I continuously shake my leg, my skin feeling all prickly. My heartbeat uneven. I take down another short of tequila, my eyes squinting, feeling the bitter, acidic taste of the liquid. My skin growing hot with passing time, my hand travel to my neck where Yeonjun marked me. Why is it burning? I gasp, feeling extremely sensitive touching it. I didn't have a good talk after we did the deed. Now, What should I do? I am sitting on alone, leaving the kids together.

“Three more shots,” I ordered, and the bartender nods. While, I lazily surf through the text messages of us, biting my lips. These six months made so many changes in our relationship. All of a sudden, the burning feeling that was prickling my skin disappeared completely. Odd.

I touch my mark again, I turn around. I definitely felt his gaze on me. When I was standing outside, He is here. The thought came in my head. Until then, my order came. I quickly drank and got off the stool. I squeezed my body between the sweaty dancing people, holding my breath. Cutting through the crowd, I saw him. He was standing in the balcony, second floor, where only VIPs are allowed to enter.

My eyes captured his eyes, I held my breath. My steps never stopping, I increased my pace. A smile, He didn't return. Moreover, I could still see the guilt he had on his face. My head still tilted, my eyes blurring with tears. I looked down, biting my lips as I completely walked out of the room and entered the hallway.

My breathing heavy. I want to get out of here. My feet thumped against the ground as I ran across the dark hallway towards the main entrance. I stepped out of that building. The moment my feet touched the ground.

I sensed something falling towards me from above. I looked up, gasping. I jumped back from my position. What I saw completely blanked my head. A scream left my mouth subconsciously, my legs began to feel weak. I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming again.

A body of women covered in blood, her entire eyes cerulean blue before they turn to normal. Blood everywhere. A corpse, dead body. My breathing quickened.

My body picked the unusual energy from her. I looked at her face more clearly. The sound of my beating heart, blocking out all the sounds. I gulped, my eyes wide open. She had feathers around her, white feathers.

A siren. I squinted my eyes, thinking. What is Siren doing here? Did she die falling from above? Sirens can fly. How can she die from falling from the sky? The next energy I picked was from behind me.

A big warm hand covered my eyes, another hand turned me around wrapping his hand tightly around my back, restricting my movement in a warm hug.

“Don't look Ari…” Yeonjun silk soft words poured into my ear. His hand ran up and down my back in the manner of calm. The crowd appeared around us. I looked back, sensing the energy of death on him.

The sounds of siren filling the ear. I remembered how her eyes were cerulean blue turned into normal eyes. The world around me slowed down, the more I looked at her and back at Yeonjun. He looked at me with a frown and pitiful eyes. I looked until, her body was taken away.  Where have I seen her? She isn't her, a human. Yeonjun has energy of him.

Since, I had high mana level, I extremely sensitive to the flow of energies around me.

“Ari. . . Ari! Ari Noona!” Yeonjun voice, Woosuk filled my ear. I couldn't help but glare at Yeonjun, What was he doing with this siren?

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