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YEONJUN. Gazes at the old man sitting on the couch, between two girls. I clench my jaws, hoping that this old hagger ends things soon. He is so fucking annoying. I smiled as sweetly as I can.

“I never thought such a successful corp. Is ran by a young man such as yourself,” Mr. Shi speaks up. I smile in reply. I'm older than you geezer.
“Well, you've taken good care of me. I hope this cooperation goes well between us. Furthermore, I want give you something in return,” Old geezer said.

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow, still smiling. He points at the door, the door opens, and a woman walks inside. I can feel my anger boiling, No Choi Yeonjun control yourself. I keep smiling.

“I found this beautiful chick at a bar the other day, what do you think, isn't she pretty? Young men such as yourself should work, at the same time spend their vigor on these women,”

Mr. Shi asks, a smile makes its way to my lips, causing my lips to crinkle. Mr. Shi gets up, finally, walks over to the door. He puts his hand on her shoulder.

“Then, I'll take my leave. I hope you enjoy your time.” He says and steps out of the room. I relax on the sofa, my head falling back. A smirk makes its way to my lips as I glance at the girl. Her faces flush red, she looks down at her feet.

I extended my hand towards her, gesturing her to come closer, and she starts taking small steps until she was standing right in front of me. I grab her hand, pulling her on top of my lap, her legs on either sides of me as she sits on top of me in straddling position. She moans softly. I tuck her long brown hair behind her ear, my other hand on her waist, “What's your name?”

“It's a pretty name, suits you,” I whisper in her ear. I can sense her pheromones reaching its peak. I gaze at the door, which opens. My secretary walks inside. His eyes widen, but I give him a nod, and he understands.

“Areum, I'm Yeonjun Choi. Nice to meet you. Follow my secretary for, He'll take you to your room. I'll come back after dealing with the work,” I said, and her heart picked the pace. I smile, she sheepishly gets up from my lap. Bows her head, silently. I pat her head before stepping out of the room. While, my secretary took her to the room.

• • •

While sitting inside the car, I glanced outside the window at the top of the skyscraper where lies the presidential suite. I could feel her gazing down. I can see ber silhouette from my extraordinary vampire vision. She is wearing minimal clothes, eager, huh? I gazed back at m secretary, a sigh escapes my lips, “Speak,” I order.

Nodding, He picks the file from the bonnet and tales out a sheet of paper.

“I've looked into her Master,” He starts and sighs, “But she didn't seem to have anything suspicious, so I didn't be choice and thoroughly investigated using our underworld connection,” He begins, and I smirk, feeling proud of these channels I and my brother worked so hard to build in these four years.

Choi family started spreading its paws from Asia to abroad, becoming most influential in East and West equally. After all, money is the greatest weapon in this capitalist society. Choi household is equally influential and powerful in underworld. The wild playground of most heinous criminals. On the surface, no one seems to fear us, that's the image we have made. The image of upright civilians and traders. But under the sweet facade lies the deadliest secrets. The mafia group, that runs rampant in the East, My family runs it. It is completely operated by Beomgyu, clan leader of Toreador.

“So what did you find?”
“She does seem to have connections with the assassination guild named Russell,”

I sigh deeply, looking the brightly lit streets, narrowing my eyes. As I rubbed my lower lips with my index finger, out of habit after finding something intriguing.

“I see. . . . You're done for today?” I responded, I stretched my hands to open the car door ready to set out.
“MASTER!” His exclaiming voice stopped me, I looked at him, raising my eyebrows. He licks his lips, taking in a deep breath.
“What about Ms. Mi- I mean Mrs. Choi?” He asks, his eyes full of concern. When he looks at me.
“Ari? She isn't home now. I'm so lonely I need someone to accompany me, you understand what I mean right?” I ask with a cocky smirk. I feel like douchebag. Well, I'm one, aren't I? The day I was born in Toreador. I was already a douchebag. The clan that uses its powers to seduce anyone and make them to the worst. Seduction is the power of my clan. The other powers I have been helpful with being Devil's son. 

“Are you really going to elope with someone else, young master? Just for the clan and not caring about Mistress?” He asks, He looks really concerned for Ari. Should I kill him? I smile brightly. Nah! I better keep him alive, he is useful. 

“Stay out of my business. If you don't wish to die. And if any of these is known to Ari? I'm going to kill you. Understand?” I ask, Yeonjun's eyes glowed vicious red, the bloodlust gleaming. He growls before pushing the door open. It suppressed further will of the man to ask about what he was going to do? From the preparations of it. Yeonjun does seem like he was going to enjoy the night before doing anything to the girl.  That's what the young man couldn't believe. The man who didn't touch any women in his life except for his wife was going to do it just because of something like this? After everything between him and his wife was normal? The young man was unaware of the fact that they had again lost touch. 

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