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"Saturday?" I asked making sure I heard right and he nods like a puppy.

Is he asking me out on a date?
Whoa! The school's hottest hunk? What should I——
"Um? Um...okay!" I said before even realizing it.

"I—" before I could say anything.
"Thanks, Ari, I'll text you the location and timing," He said cheerfully.

I did want to go out with him.
But, Will it alright?
I wondered while he was saying something and I was drowned in thoughts probably remembering the last time I went on a date was 2 years back when I was like 17 and I don't have very good memories of it.

My phone buzzed again, and again it was my cousin.

Jang Woohyun
Where the hell are you?


"I gotta go!" I said existing his car and he nodded before I stepped outbidding him bye as he drove off the car. The smile on my face soon crumbled as I turned around started walking back home with a long sigh escaping my lips.

• • •

At last, I decided that I'd go out on a date secretly. I was still unsure, But I should at least go there right since I've told him, that I will come. I sighed again, hiding my face in my hands while sitting across the vanity. My hands were cold and trembling. I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror.

I started getting ready while hiding the fact from my family that I'm going on a date. I was getting ready like I usually do so no one can doubt me. I was wearing an off-shoulder white top and denim skirt and wore light make-up.

I grabbed my phone and backpack with books in them. I came out of the house making sure not to be seen by any of them. As I walked down the street, I was pretty excited as my heart was palpating. My phone started ringing snapping me out into the world and I took out my phone, seeing Yeonjun video calling my heart started beating hard, my blank mind gave me an indication to answer the call.

"Hey, Where are you?" Yeonjun asks.
"Are you already there? Isn't it still early?" I ask looking at the wrist watch.
"Yeah I know, I'm just really excited to meet you," He smiles gently. My heart was beating.

"I'm coming! On the way," I said with a smile and he nodded before I hung up and I was taking deep breaths to calm down. When my phone buzzed suddenly and it was my aunt. In this family, My aunt was the only one who sympathized with me.

– Ari please come back
it's urgent!

I stopped in the middle while staring at the phone. My mind was filled with the darkest thoughts. What could've happened? She never texted me like this. Did something bad happen? Did uncle try to beat her because of his mistress?

I couldn't ignore it. So I turned around and started running back home. I stepped inside the property and entered the elevator which opened on the 17th floor. I strode down the hallway in rush, I opened the door walking inside the house when the door was suddenly closed and I halted.

Even if I didn't turn I predicted who it was and my eyes narrowed as I turned around to see my cousin looking at me with a triumphant smirk on his face. While waving aunts phone at me. My face scrunched up in disgust.

"Oh! Calm down my dear cousin,"
"I HAVE STUDY SESSIONS FOR THE FUCK SAKE STOP WITH YOUR PRANKS!" I said shoving him out of my way to the door when he grabbed my wrist making me yelp and he pulled me back and kept on pulling me upstairs as I tried to break free from his hand.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed as he yanked me on the floor of my room. I glared at him ready to fight him when he closed the door of my room with a click sound and I heard the jingling of the keys from outside.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times, as I stared at the door, "Nooooo! Don't do that!" He locked me inside the room. I ran to the door started banging my fist against it.

"OPEN THE DOOR WOOHYUN, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LOCKING ME UP!" I started screaming like a crazy person as he locked me in a room like a bird in a cage and this was out of the line. I did everything they asked me for but, I'm not even allowed to go outside as I wish what kind of hypocrisy is this.


I called out for everyone several times when I realized that no one is at the house and Woohyun probably left as well since it was turning dark and I fell back on my knees.

A blank expression washed over Serri's angry face. She gazed at the door, no thoughts in her head. Her heart was hammering uncontrollably

I took out my phone staring at the screen I opened Yeonjun's chat. My hands trembling, I sighed heavily as my head dropped a single tear rolled down my cheek.

Serri: I'm sorry I cannot come.

I clicked the sent icon on the phone and my hand dropped to the floor as I shoved my head on the mattress.

Exhausted, to even think of anything. I was rubbing my head into my bed while cry trying to swallow the screams. Nothing was more embarrassing than not showing up, even if I was unsure I didn't want to see him sad so I agreed but Why?! Why always me?!

I was tired of this household and I was staying because of my aunt but not anymore. I can't with her personality.

She can't even control her husband and som how the hell in the world she says that she'll keep me safe with them?




The sun was replaced by the moon, and darkness spread across the sky. My room was still dark as I sat in the corner of the bed, staring at the Yeonjun chat. He saw the message an hour ago but didn't reply. I get that he must be angry. My stomach dropped while staring at the phone, tears coming out never seem to be stopping.

He was waiting for me long enough, right? Will this be the end of our friendship?

I scoffed, didn't they made me sign a contract which says that I've to marry anyone they wish me to?
Remembering about the contract my uncles' family made me my I side burned in fury. At that time, I thought it was for my good but I didn't know what was going inside them but as the time passed and I saw their behavior on me I got some idea.

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