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If I were in past I would have faced Yeonjun's rage. Dang it! that man is extremely scary when he is angry. I got up from the floor and looked back at the mansion the beautiful architect. A exasperated sigh escapes my lips. After easing my mood, I walked back into the mansion.

Stepping inside the passage which leads to living room. I saw some maids rushing out and narrowing my eyes I wondered what was happening? My eyes stared at them until they reached the end of the hallway and turned from the corner. I gazed back in the direction they came from and hurriedly sauntered across the hallway and peeked inside the living room from the corner.

Is he killing the gaurds again? I thought.

I saw him sitting on the victorian style sofa playing with the lamp. Turning it off and on alternatively.

He lifts his gaze looking in my direction. Probably because he noticed my presence. His terrifying red eyes gazed in my direction causing my bones to freeze. I decided to retreat quietly.

But, my treacherous hair falls out from my claw clip making me visible. I clicked my tongue.

I just wished for my legs to work fast so I could fly away from him. I turned around to run away from him. I wasn't thinking straight at the moment. I had a habit of ignoring him. He wasn't fazed by it, probably used to it. He looks down at his lap and then again looks up with burgundy coloured eyes.


He calls me out 'oh' so gently. The trick that I'd always fear. Whenever he calls out my name like that my entire body stiffens and follows him. Probably because of the trauma he gave me in high school years. I freeze there in the middle of the room.

He smirks tilting his head, his eyes looked cold and empty and yet the smile was the sweetest you'd ever see. That smile is contagious and scary and a warning sign. He was Toreador, he is suppose to be that way.

What is Toreador?

Toreador represents vampires at their most classy. As the most noble of vampires — at least they consider themselves to be — they infiltrate and use human government to maintain their power over other vampires. The Toreador are usually successful, rich, and in charge of vampire society called the Camarilia, which enforces the the pact that vampires have to keep their existence secret from mortals. Toreador have the best 'normal' set of powers in the game, including Dominate and Presence, which makes them the charismatic and seductive vampires who can make their enemies piss their pants in fear or make them fall in love with them even as they drain their blood.

I came out of hiding mechanically standing on the doorway with my hands tightly clasped behind my back. I smiled briefly.

"Come here," His hoarse voice echoed in the silent room and he speaks again. I pointed at myself. He eyes told me if I was asking that when I was only fucking creature in the damn room. I knew it and I still stood freeze.

"Don't make me repeat, Come. Here." He says warningly.

I ambled closer to him as he stands up from the couch. He lowers his face levelling me. My eyes flickered to his lips and back to his eyes. The deathly glare he gave froze me heart. I bite my lips. Gripping on my chin he forced me to look in his eyes. My stomach twisted and flipped and my heart impulses in my head as I dislodge the lump in my throat.

"Let me warn you, don't dare to try anything funny or I won't spare you. Do you get it?" He asks knowing the effect he had on my body.

"Did you get it?" He repeats.

The voice was laced with honey. Yet, His gaze was deathly and cold. I shuddered at the soft tone tightly closing my eyes to steady my heartbeat.

I nodded furiously and his eyes lowers to my neck. I mechanically raise my hand to hide my skin looking everywhere else except him. His hand traces my jaws as they softly trace the lovebites which began to sting immideatly. My muscles tensed and I could feel the rush of adrenaline in my veins.

"I did a pretty good job here don't you think?" He whisper asks softly as his lips brushed my ear. Even though his hands were curled around my neck he wasn't choking me. I felt my hands, face and feet tingling.

The pool of blood rushed my cheeks. The moment he placed soft kisses around my behind my ear.

His hands wrapping around my waist pulled me closer as he sucks harder on my newly found sweet spot. I bite my lips to control myself form moaning. My hand instinctively tried to push him away.

"What are you saying? Let me go. you perv," I screamed that came out more like a whisper.

I mentally face-palmed myself. Why am I digging a ditch for myself?

He licks my skin before nuzzling his face on my neck again, as his breath was fanning my skin sending warm, electrifying feelings down my body.

I struggled to get out of his grip as I was reddening because of our proximity. My hand weakly tired to push him away for nothing. He inhales deeply. I closed my eyes frowning. Is he planning on doing it again? Can I even take it?


"Mhmm. . . "

"If you lean on me any more than this we will fall,"

"I'll catch you,"

"Both of us will be falling,"

"No worries, I won't let you get hurt,"

I flinched hearing the gentle voice which was fabricated nor manipulative. I felt pang of guilty emotions. I always made him angry but now that we are talking like this. It felt weird.... in a good way.

I stiffened hearing his voice. He hugs me tightly. It was a dreamlike state as I looked outside from the window at the crescent moon.

Smiling Hecate. They say.

The moment was just so calm and peaceful. It didn't feel real at all. I was like, Normal conversation with this man isn't possible so this is suppose to be a dream.

I blinked my heavy eyelids couple of times, inhaling the calming rose and wine scent. In the dim room my mind started becoming blank and without even realizing. I shut my eyes close drifting into the slumber that I was already in.


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Tysm for reading and hope you enjoyed the chapter. Peeps don't forget to support me by voting and share your feedback. I really need one to know how it's going?

Anyways, stay safe and healsy.

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