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“The Choi Group's shares are reported to rise again, this is already the third time in this year,”

Brunette clenches his molars and crushing the remote in his hand while glaring at the television. He grabs the coffee mug on his table and threw it on the TV. The colorful lights disappear and the screen shatters from the impact.

“Oooh, brother, why so angry?” Blonde guy waltz inside the room with a smirk hanging on his lips. Brunette glares at the youngster, his eyes piercing through his soul.

“Why choi's are getting so many deals these days? We have been keeping an eye. Why isn't anything happening?”
“We are losing our informants. They are killing people in clan, like video games.”
“You are saying that they can find all of them?”
“Even if not all of them but most of them are hiding and seeking an opportunity to run away, Choi's are mercilessly these days,”
“So they have tapped into their primeval instincts, huh?” Britten scoffs.
“It seems so,”

A sheepish smile sweeps across his cheeks.

“Why is that idiot isn't bringing any new documents?” He yells asking, his voice thundering in the room. As his eyes glazes golden color.

“Well, that witch Yeonjun had been keeping by her side suddenly changed sides,” Young one replies, joining his hands together gazing at the floor.

Brunette, breathing heavily. He kicked the coffee table before him before falling on the couch back, pouring himself a drink. He slips the golden liquid down his throat. Closes his eyes, leaning his head at the back of the sofa, calming himself.

“Where is Yeonhee?” He asks.
“Well, she is in her room sleeping. After yesterday, she is exhausted.”
“Hmm. . . How is the plan proceeding, we need to get hold of that high priestess to spill the exact word of prophecy,” Brunette grumbles?

“The work has been done, everything is set. We have to wait until the full moon, the night the prophecy will reveal itself,” Youngster replies.
“Those Choi's eventually, they will die. Then no one will be there to stop us!” Brunette smirks before breaking into the fits of laughter. His laughter fills the room, echoing loudly.

He opens his eyes, sensing the presence.

“Yeonhee, come here!” He sweetly whispers. Yeonhee frowns, before stepping out from the dark. Holding her hands in front of her, she looks on the floor and gazes at the floor and walks towards him. He grabs her hand, causing her to fall on his lap.

“Did you sleep well?” He asks, tucking her hair behind her ear. She leaned her head on his hand, smiling, so beautiful. It could blind anyone. Her beautiful magenta pink eyes sparkling, her pouty glossy lips curling up at the corners. She was the epitome of beauty, her blonde hair going down her hips.

“Yes I did,”

Brunette smiles, putting up a facade of the innocence. He leans forward, pressing his lips against her forehead.

“Nice to hear, that you rested well my swan,”

• • •

“We wish you a happy cooperation,” They shook hands and the old man turns around and walks out of the conference room. Beomgyu's bright, warm smile turns cold, He glances at his brother.

“Soobin where is Yeonjun Hyung,”His cold voice piercing in the conference room.
“He is gone to deal with the things in nearby city,”
“If I wasn't here we could've lost such an important deal,” Beomgyu grits his teeth.
“He wouldn't do anything that'll cause harm to us. You know,”
“I know Hyung, but that witch! She has bewitched him. He has lost all the tracks, when she is before him,”
“Calm down, She is changing. She is not even doing anything now. Why get angry for that women? Yeonjun Hyung had already prepared things so that she doesn't cause us much harm,”

A sigh escapes Beomgyu's lips. A chill run down his spine. He looks up, “Something doesn't feel right?”

Soobin pushes the chair back. His eyes narrowing as he gazes at the youngster, “What is it now?”
“What is doing in that city?”
“Yeonjun Hyung? Did you forget he is searching for something these days? I think he is there for that same business,”

Beomgyu eyes droops when he remembers the conversation he had with the Yeonjun. He folds his hands, staring into the space, before his widens. A smirk spreading across his face as he laughed. Soobin nods with a smirk, when he hands him a cigarette. Both of them putting it in their mouths. Soobin walks to the window, While Beomgyu takes out his lighter. Both of them lighting the ends of cigarettes.

“I want to see the faces of those bastards. . . Ugh!” Soobin utters, his eyes glinting blood-red as he gazed at the night sky. The moon clawing the sky.

Beomgyu eyes gleams with bloodlust thinking about them. He glares at the window, a crazed smile appearing on his lips as he blows out the white smoke from his mouth.

Hey everyone! So, my story is almost
eligible for wattys2022. I will be updating daily, almost. I have to finish
the story soon.
Thanks everyone, for reading ♡♡

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