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After that day, Woosuk left. I had to spend time with myself because Yeonjun is a busy man of course can't keep me company entire day. Next I called over Yeji, I had a trio friend group. Yeji, Jena and me. Jena turned out to be a traitor only sticking to my side because I was a pushover in the past.

"Mistress your friend has come," Butler knocked on the door to inform me. My lips curl up in a smile, I run across the hallway floor, my feet making a clackimg along with butlers shoes. His voice echoing in entire mansion. When I heard butler pleading, "Mistress, Please don't run!"

I had already reached the staircase, I saw Yeji downstairs in the living room. She quietly sips the tea. Her eyes darting in all the directions. She looks back, our eyes met. Both of us break in smile.

"Yejieeeeeeee!" I run across the living room with open arms. She opened her arms both of us hugged each other tightly.
"Ari, I missed you."
"I missed you too,"

Did I tell you guys? Yeji was abroad for her exchange student program of three months. This is why she wasn't present during my stay at the coven. Things would have been easier for me because Yeji is strong and she will be becoming Priestess soon.

Her brows turned into a frown, she touched my cheeks, "Look at your face, your cheeks has sunken and your mana has depleted so much?"
"Now you don't get started, I get enough dose from Yeonjun, I've recovered my physical strength fully,"
"For sure, or you wouldn't have come all the way downstairs and would've called me up,"
"You know me well,"
She sighs, "Our lazy priestess Min~"

She holds my hand tightly. Her eyes glowing magenta blue, I feel her pure mana entering my body. All my senses open I feel my body getting lighter, it felt as if the weight is lifted off my chest. She was transferring her mana in my body. The mana keeps generating, giving little amount of mana to a witch who had suffered is loss is not a big deal. She takes her hand back, smiling at me. I smiled back.

"Whoa! I felt so good!"
"Your meridians have recovered but they are not generating enough mana for you right now,"
"I know, I've used offensive magic. It cost it's user a good deal," I rolled my eyes.
"Why aren't you doing anything to generate mana in your body?"
"What do you mean?" I squint my eyes giving her a puzzled look. She widens her eyes and then squints back.

"You have a husband! Use him to generate mana." She again emphasis on the word husband. I smile sheepishly not knowing how am I suppose to use Yeonjun? He can help me generate mana in my body.

"Did you forget? Everyone is born from sexual energy, it's also a life-force or mana. It is a great way to restore depleted mana. Don't tell me you don't know?"
I sheepishly nod, "I know. I know"

• • •

The same evening, I was in my room making a spell pouch. I and Yeonjun have our different rooms where we keep our important things related to work and study so that our things don't mix together, clothes and I also need personal space for meditation and my spell work. I needed a different room.

I hear a knock. I drifted my gaze to see Yeonjun standing at the door leaning his body on the door frame. The sleeves of his black high neck rolled up sleeves. Dayum! He smirks before walking inside the room. He had to lean forward cause I was sitting on the floor, with a short table before me where I was working. He planted a kiss on my forehead.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.
"I'm alright, Yeji came and she gave me some mana. I feel lighter today!! Did you eat? I didn't ask housekeeper to cook since you said you've dinner with a client."
"I did." He replies and sits on the opposite side, slightly pushing the ingredients— herbs and water and stainer in the middle.

"What are you making?"
"It's a spell pouch for . . ." I looked up at him and stopped. The things I had was—Vanilla, roses and everything that increases sexual energy. I hope he doesn't notice it. It's a lust perfume. How do I tell him? I smiled sheepishly.
"For energy it increases positive energy!" I say.
"Oh! All of these together smells good,"
"Do you like this smell?"
"Yeah, it's good." Good things, this is working. I smile.

I get up walking around the table, I sit next to him. He looks at me smiling his expression was hard to read, but even though he was looking at me. Momentarily, he looked like he was in daze. I broke him out of it, I cupped his face and pressed my lips against his. He takes my face on his hand, inserting his tongue in my mouth. I really wanted to do this.

It's been long, not to increase my mana. The desire to touch him, be touched by him unfurl into me. His hand wrap around me bringing my flush body against his. And, I rest my hand on his shoulder as he pulls me on the top of his lap, my legs on the either side of him, straddling him. The heat of his mouth sending shivers down my body. My body move on its own violation, I rock my hips against his body.

Finally, he pulled his mouth away. I breathed heavily. He eyes gets small as he smiles, his lips curling up while he caresses my cheeks. Our faces flushed red, lips swollen and messy. I felt his hand brush my tousled locks. I wrap my hand around him pulling him in a long, tight hug. His breath brushing on my skin and my heart swelled with love, hope, happiness and hundreds of other emotion that I couldn't express in words.

He dipped his head in my neck, sucking on my skin. The heating sensation in the pit of my stomach spreads to my chest and my face. I could feel my face warming up. He pulled away again, "I should get changed," He said. I got off his lap. He gets up, I quickly grab the charm bag and follow him.

He sees me, both of us enter our shared room.

"How was your day?" I ask.
"Nothing much, I did my residency program in the morning and after that company' work in the evening," He enters the walk-in closet. I stay out my back pressed against the wall. He closed the door. While, we still talked.
"How do you work so hard? What I don't understand is why do you even need to study medicine when you could've just studied business?"
"Well, I wanted to."
"Hmm . . . If you wanted then it's okay. Don't overwork yourself. I don't like when you have dark circles,"
"Why? Do I look ugly?" He asks opening the door.
"No, You don't look ugly. I just don't like it. When you look that tired. You work so hard, you've to balance both the world's your identity as a human and vampire-werewolf clan's rulers family. It must be hard right?" He chuckled, walking next to me. He picks me up in his arms.

"I don't do all the work alone. I've my brothers, everyone takes care of one thing or other onreduce work load." He said. I wrap my hands around him before he takes me to the bed. He puts me down, giving me a quick peck on the lips. He climbed on top of me before hugging me. I smiled, but the very next moment. He rolled himself on the other side of the bed, got under the cover and slept.

Like what? He slept without doing anything?

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