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I step into the property to feel the dead energy on it. A frown crease my face, while walked closer to the villa. He is angry, my heart almost stopped beating with the thought. I won't lie but Yeonjun demeanor has changed drastically past days but I still get scared, sometimes.

Blowing out, I insert the keys and push the door open greeted by the silence. I let out a rueful sigh, maybe he is not at- I see him walking out of basement. He was wearing a black tuxedo, leather gloves. My eyes flicker from his clothes to his face.

I sucked another breath seeing blood stained cheeks. It wasn't his blood. The expressionless face told me everything what he was doing in the basement. Behind him came out his men with guns placed around their waistbands. All of them looking at me, I raised my eyebrows and looked away. I don't want to live in this house, can't he do this somewhere else. He does know I'm a white witch, dark energy like this is not good for me.

"I'll be upstairs," I say and turned around rushing up the stairs that was right beside me.

After freshening up. I walk out of the bathroom in tank top, grey shorts and grey cardigan since its cold. My eyes fixated on my mobile phone as I chatted with Soomin. She seems like a nice girl. A smile dispalying on my lips. Suddenly, his hand snakes aeound my waist and his face sinks in the crook of my neck.

I stiffened, "Welcome back," He mumbles, his breath trickling on my skin. I gasp. I swiftly turn around to see his hair wet and the smell of his body wash emitting from his body. I gazed down to see him wearing his nightsuit.

I smiled and hugged him, "I'm sorry, I cancelled our date."
We were making an effort to start over again. Sometimes, He arranges the date and sometimes I do. It was his turn today and sigh. I cancelled him.

I feel his hand brushing my hair, "Its alright, you have your work." His lips on my head, breathing deeply. Why is he sniffing me? His hand sneaking inside my tank top. What is he doing? I wondered. He was clingy but what's with touching without telling me.
I rested my chin on his toned chest and glanced at his chiseled jaws, poutingly. He suddenly kissed my temples, my nose, my cheeks, my chin and lastly my lips.

The feverish kiss lasted longer than I expected, I leaned back to break but he leaned forward, completely dominating me. The scent of his cologne was turning me dizzy. Why is this smell so strong?

"Yeonjun," I called out.
"Yeonjun!" He breaks apart, looking at me with pleading eyes. Then, resting his head on mine. He breathed heavily, his cheeks flushing red. As he breaks out in cold sweats.
"Are y-you sick? Yeonjun?" I asked, uncertainly. He chuckles.
"I'm not sick stupid,"
"The-then?" I breathed out. This smell, what is it? Its driving me nuts.
"I'm on heat!" I snap my eyes open staring at him widely. He breaths heavily, He is in HEAT? I never seen him going in heat before me or maybe I have? I don't know. He is telling me he is in heat?

I gasped, my hands cupping his cheeks.

"Are you hurt? Do you need medicines?" I don't know much about these creatures going in heat. They hide this fact and what happens to them when they are in heat but from some sources. All I know is that it hurts alot.

He breaks out smiling, breathiing heavily like a beast. His eyes glinting blood red, He glances at me.

"I don't need medicines for something like this?"
"It hurts right? I heard you are hurting during this time..." I stammer uncertain of what to say any further.
"It does hurt, so much I feel like tearing humans apart,"I had chills crawling on my skin when I heard that. He leaned forward, his hand turning my face to my side. He plants a kiss on my cheeks, nibbles on my ear.

I gasp in shock. I can never get used to this.

"At the same time, I want to bury myself inside you...", He takes a deep breath causing my cheeks to flush. I squint my eyes glaring at him.
"I don't need medicines they don't work, I need you." He breathes out.

My eyes flicker from his beautiful eed orbs to his blood red lips. I tuck the strands of my hair behind my ear stepping back. My hand tracing the hem of my cardigan as I let it fall off my shoulders. I looked at him, his bangs covered most of his eyes. The red orbs visible made him look so ethereal.

I stepped forward, wrapping my hands around his neck. I pull him forward, pressing my lips against his thristily.

 I pull him forward, pressing my lips against his thristily

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I feel like writing a few more chapters. This is becoming my fave. I hope you guys liked it, please vote and comment.

Love ya~

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