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Trigger warning.

Yeonjun face was still sidewise the way it was after being slapped. The blood dripped down his right cheek which stinging with pain. Ari looked equally furious. She hated him with the core of her heart, yet she was trying to persuade him. In her context, He was suppose to listen to her but he rejected her request straight up. Yeonjun wouldn't have been affected but the Yeonjun, Who was actually conscious inside him was a demon. Her words ignited the deep anger within him.

He glared at the young girl before him. He reached out his while, she backed away in defence. He pulled Ari to him in reflex. Ari's hand got attached to his chest, she creased his white shirt in shock, She gazed at the towering figure of Yeonjun.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Ari insisted trying to push him away.

"Aren't you being too audicious?" He screamed on her face.

She winced hearing harsh voice. Like before, She didn't shed tears. Rather, she glared at him, shaking in anger. This was enough to entice the crazed man his demon was. Ari returned for past, she had seen far worst sight and she reached a point she wasn't afraid of him anymore but her heart was filled with hatred.

He grabbed her chin making her look up. He pounced his lips on hers. His hands clasped around her neck stroking up and down. Her lips were driven apart by force. There was nothing gentle about it.

ARI felt the my back against the sheet, he shifted pressing me against mattress, taking my face in his hands. My mind went blank and my sight turned pure white. He didn't stop violating my mouth hungrily with his. I felt my stomach twisting and my body turning hot. Snapping the last bit of restraint I had, I pushed him away.

"No!" He pulled my lips back to his. It was just like before- my eyes watered. He moves his lips against my jaws, my chin painstakingly slowly down my neck and the hollow of shoulders, leaving behind the purple marks. As the low groan escaped the back of my throat.

"Aah . . . "

His lean body straighten himself and his eyes darkened. He leaned forward, I repeatedly tried pushing him away but my strength was under par. He dips his face into my head sucking the tender spots on my throat.

"Look at that face, its craving for my thing eh?" He whispers as his cold hand slides under the hem of my shirt, caressing my belly and lightening my body like a fire.

"Stop it Yeonjun!" I said out louder, I sensed him smirking against my neck. My eyes closed as his tongue darted of faded bruises spots in sensual ways making me gasp. Dang vampires! His hand moved up cupping my right breast. He kissed my skin in a very sensual way, sucking the area and caressing with his tongue. I shuddered.

"Ah. . . It hurts," I let out a strangled moan.

"Really? But your voice is too sweet for that," His deep voice vibrated my body. His hand grabbed the collar of my shirt, neither angry nor surprised. He rips my shirt apart throwing it somewhere behind him. He stares at me with those bloodthirsty red eyes. Eagerly. I blanched red under his gaze avoiding looking into his eyes. 

Pleadingly, I gazed up at him. When he saw it, he twisted his lips and laughed. He breathed a sigh and kissed my cheek as if I was a precious person to him. I cried and shook my head. I twisted my body to avoid it, but could not move away from his thick body. Holding my waist with both his hands, This ruthless sense of churning and driving my body crazy was terrifying.

But Yeonjun did not grant my appeal. He starts kissing my skin violently. My hands went in his hair automatically, as he went down my valley kissing, belly before unbuttoning my jeans. He then pulled them down over my ankles. Without giving it a second thought, he tossed them over the bed, and they landed on the floor, his hands grabbed her knees and spread them wide open.


I looked at him panicking. He, who was oddly calm gazed at me. Yeonjun head moved from one breast to the other. The sound of his mouth sucking my breast was heard, and my toes curled from the sensations. I thought perhaps I'd should've getused to it by now. But instead, my body seemed to have become more sensitive. Then Yeonjun put his knee between my legs, and gently pressed my thighs apart with his knee. He pinned me down to prevent me from moving. I lowered my gaze and looked at him from my bleary eyes panting between the sensation of pleasure and pain. 

I knew, I cannot escape from him until the morning sun that had risen. He smiled shamelessly at me, "Don't worry, I'll make sure that you stop dreaming about leaving my side,"

This was what always happened no matter what I said it didn't shake him at all. He never cared about me or my feelings and I always gave in to this, In start I always hated it but as the time passed, my will to protest slowly crumbled in front of his seductive tricks. 

I woke up by the sound of rustling clothes. Over the crumpled sheets, I saw Yeonjun's back covered with clothes. He looked over his shoulder at me adjusting his neck tie.

"Did you wake up?", His voice was cold. Not surprised, I sit upright and turned to look at myself in the window pane. I was looking haggard, with bloodshot red eyes and neck and shoulder covered with hickeys. I was disgusted.

I heard the closing sound of the door and with that I collapsed on the bed snuggling my face in my pillow. It ended earlier today he was in hurry. I twirled my body in bed my eyes closed and my mind blank. How do I persuade him? I thought.


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Writing smuts is harder than anyone think. I hope people reading this are not offended.
I tried to minimise the R-rated scenes as much as possible. It's a vampire Fanfiction it has to be sensual right?
Anyways, Tysm for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment. 

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