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THE DAY PASSED AND Ari didn't step out of the room draped in the duvet she was asleep. Outside the room butler was holding on the door hook in anticipation. He knocks again, "Ms Ari are you in there?" He asks louder as he could. He couldn't enter his masters room because of the privacy. Ms. Min Ari the woman his master deeply cherished was locked inside the room without eating or drinking.

"Mr. Lee, Isn't that woman going over board?" A maid said from behind holding the food tray for half an our her hands were now trembling from the weight but it couldn't be helped. For the maids and stewards of the house thought of Ari as an spoiled and selfish woman. They never offered her any attention.

"Ms. Ari!" Old man again called out but he got no response.

Ari stirred in her sleep, she couldn't hear anything other than the nightmare she was seeing and people who made that dream a nightmare. My eyes squinted and cold beads of sweat covered my body and I was feeling warm extremely hot. I open my eyes and saw a cold distant voice saying to me, "I'm sorry I couldn't fill your heart even after trying  maybe I wasn't good enough," I closed my eyes again.

I saw a man standing on the terrace of the beautiful mansion, His red eyes gleaming peering through the smoke. He stares at me through his fox like eyes, smiling wryly through his tears. The fire enrages making me step back and before I could process everything burned down.

I bitterly struggled in my dreams, I wanted to open my eyes but was getting sucked into the vortex of darkness. I saw another guy, Jaejun his arms protectively wrapped around my cousin as he nuzzles his face in crook of her neck and she stares at me as if I was sort of a dirt my head was jerked back. I was being pulled away by my hair through the small bridge. I looked back there was fire, I didn't wanted to be thrown in the fire gazebo.

I wanted to wake up, I didn't wanted to die again.

Suddenly, I hear the sound of door being opened and a cool hand press against my hands, they travel to my cheek and my forehead, gently.

"Bring medicines, she has fever," A calm voice travelled past my ear. It was then, When I could finally wake up from the dream. I saw the Yeonjun, again. I instinctively reached out my hand wrapping around his nape, I pull him into a hug. This was Yeonjun's embrace, I never knew it would warm. I held him tightly as I could so he doesn't run away from me. I won't let you get away from me in this life, I won't let you push me away, again.

YEONJUN stiffens at the sudden gesture. I look down at Ari who leaned her head on his shoulder her eyes twitching in pain. She let out a breath of relief. She pressed her head in my embrace. She was trembling my hand instinctively wrapped around her caressing her back softly. Did she have a nightmare? She doesn't know it's me right? She would push me away if she did. He knew her very well, He knew. She won't love him no matter what he does so instead of waking her up he enjoyed the short lived peaceful embrace.

"Mr. Choi, I brought the thermo meter," Butler said his voice somewhat breathless.

It seemed that he had run to get the medicine. I laid her back on the bed, her eyes slight open. She looks at me intently, her hand firmly trying to hold my wrist. The forest green eyes, fueling constant desire to mark her mine. She is sick. I reminded myself. Her eyes peering at me made me weak to my knees and I sit back on the bed beside her, her eyes never left mine. It was the first time she looked at me with a different gaze that I couldn't explain, but it was certainly not disgust. She was breathing heavily and her face was flushed. Obviously, she was running high on fever.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Do you feel pain anywhere?" I tried to speak in comforting manner but obviously wasn't succeeding. She blinks her eyes for a moment thinking for a answer, I guess. She nods slightly.

"My back hurts," She croaked and I realized that she'd been locked inside the room for since yesterday. I wanted to smile for some reason, but her face was serious so I suppressed my smile biting my inner cheeks. I looked over at the full jar of water on the side table. She seems to realize what I was looking at and tries to sit up on the bed with support of her weak arms but failing miserably. I helped her sit up, placing a pillow behind her she leans back. Her eyes slightly widen.

She must be confused seeing me behaving affectionate. I smile wryly. I was not being my usual self. I wasn't a romantic kind of person but I tried hard to be one but failed miserably because of her hatred and my short tempered behaviour. She holds the glass with her trembling hands, before drinking it up. She softly rests her hand on her lap and looks at me. I waited for the temperature of mouth to get normal so I could put the thermo meter. My eyes lays of the white shirt she was wearing and her pale skin which was shining because of cold-sweat.

I take her temperature sighing ruefully, "Bring the ice packs," I ordered the servants and they nod walking out of the room.

"Why did you not call anyone? Is this a trick to make me agree to let you go to college" I asked, trying to sound neutral looking in her eyes. Her gaze drops on her lap as her thumbs traces the tip of the glass. She gulps. I knew my gaze was making her squirm but I couldn't help. I was scared she would leave me. I didn't wanted that for it I was ready accept all hatred.

"I...ah, I didn't realize I just wanted to sleep and couldn't get up or call anyone and even if this wasn'ta trick I still want to go..." She said, meekly and glance at me cautiously. My thumbs softly brushed her cheeks which made her flinch. She looked at me with wide eyes for a moment and suddenly shook her head before leaning her head on my palm. She looks at me with her forest green eyes.

I look away outside the window taking a deep breath and exhaling. She- I- Should I trust her once more? I thought. I remembered Taehyun's words again in my head.

"Hyung don't repeat the same mistake as father, She is right no one likes being monitored. Trust her just this once,"

I look back at her nodding, "Fine you can go," She looks at me baffled and she smiles weakly, "Really? Can I go to university? Meet my friends? Live like a normal girl can I have my freedom?" She asks all in one go momentarily her bright eyes made me doubt that she was sick. I sigh pouring the medicine on spoon brought it closer to her mouth which she tried to dodge and block. She hated eating medicine, any kind of medicine. Ari would lock herself in her room whenever sick so no one asks for her eating medicine. Yeonjun nagged at her for keeping herself warm always. He motions the maid to go outside, which made Ari thought he was asking her to get sweets.

Meanwhile, Yeonjun swiftly held her head in place forcing the bitter medicine through Ari's mouth. She gulps before sticking out her tongue like a child, "Urgh!" She gags.

"I'll give you your freedom but first get well," Yeonjun says smiling ear to ear.

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