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I blankly stare at the book I had in my hand. My pen tapping against the study table as I tried to focus. My mind was wandering to the prophecy. Is it somehow connected to why the clocks suddenly turned back? I thought. My mouth forming a pout. I kept on thinking. Most probably, someone came back in the time. It was the reason why clocks turned back, but Who came back?

The prophecy said before the next red moon. It is next year, I have a year worth of time to find the Queen, that's so less. I rubbed my face as a tired sigh escaped my lips.

"What are you sighing about?" The voice suddenly startles me. My heart rate increased as I whipped my head in direction of the voice. My eyes met a pair of monolid eyes, my heart settles seeing Yeonjun walking in the room. He had changed into casual night clothes.

I quickly shut the book in my hand, "Wh-what brings you here?" I ask, panic settling in the pit of my stomach. He walks over and lays down on the bed propping himself with his elbows. He stares at me with a smile. He only comes when he wants to sleep with me. Is he here for that?

"Come here my little witch," He calls. My intitutions were right as I pressed my lips in a thin line as I take a deep breath walking over to him while I take off my long cardigan I was wearing on my sleeveless nightgown.

"What are you doing? Its cold don't take your cardigan off." He says suddenly teleporting right in front of me with his vampiric powers while I tried not to flinch. He holds my hand pulling the cardigan that I slid of my shoulder. I gazed at him perplexed.

"Don't you want to sleep with me?" I asked as softly as I could, showing that I'm all calm. I don't really like physical touches. It happened after I got out of an abusive relationship with my boyfriend when I was seventeen. Yeah, Exactly the reason why I was hesitating on going on date that day.

And exactly the reason, my hatred for Yeonjun grew even more.

Because he did something to me, I absolutely loathed.

I heard him heaving a sigh. He grabs wraps his hand around me pulling me into a hug. My stiff body immideatly relaxed though I held my breath afraid that would piss him off.

"Breath babe Breath! I just want to sleep with you nothing more nothing less," He said and my heart literally bubbled hearing the word babe. I bit my cheeks, to stop myself from smiling crazily. What's with him suddenly?

"I wouldn't mind if you want to do more than just sleeping..." He smirks, whispering in my ear. I hide my face in his toned chest. I felt it rumble and vibrate as he laughed. He trailed his lips on my forehead leaving his wet imprint.

Gah! I'm going crazy.

"Its better if you don't do vigorous exercises, I still have to heal you. I can feel you have internal injuries,"

He pulls away turning towards the bed.

"Don't worry, I'm-" He breaks off slumping on the bed groaning.
"Fine, ouch!" He winces holding his chest. I shook my head sitting on the edge of bed. I tried to help him sit.

"I just told you didn't I?"

He looks at me with a sheepish smile,I extend my hand to his night suit buttons.

"What are you doing?" He asks holding my hand middle.
"Taking it off, I have to touch your skin to heal." I said and he shakes his head buttoning up the shirt.
"I'm alright! No need to they will heal soon,"
"But your wounds take time to heal!"
"No- wait," He snaps his head looking at me suspiciously.
"How do you know my wounds take time to heal?" I gulp, Shit! This was something I came to know in future. I had no clue that his wounds heal slowly.

"I felt it during healing you last time," I lied and he was still frowning looking at me suspiciously before his expression relaxed, "Oh!"

"Now quickly take off, I need to heal it!" I said forcefully trying to take off his shirt. While he resisted but finally gave up and slowly started unbuttoning before sliding the silk fabric off. My eyes scanned his upper body in awe. Sturdy muscles and the clan mark that starts from his shoulder and ends right above his naval.

He smirks, "Do you like it?"
I look at him with a smirk, "I guess so," I said breaking the eye contant coquettishly looking other way. He leans forward, "See this is what you missed past two years," He says jokingly.

Past two years? Don't even remind me about it. I smile bitterly. His expression suddenly turns serious. He doesn't say anything but siltently sits down on the bed, his one leg folded and another touching the ground. I placed my hands on top of his check as I began reciting the spell.

I felt him healing. My mind and body was slightly exhausted as I slowly open my eyes, feeling lightheaded. I was about to fall. When he places his hand under my head, "This is why I didn't want you to heal me."
"Its alight, I will feel good after little sleep." I answer and closing my eyes slowly falling asleep.

A/N:Ayo! Tysm for reading

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Ayo! Tysm for reading. I know I updated another chapter very soon. I hope you enjoy, don't forget to vote and comment.

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