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I sighed looking up at the moon shining brightly in the night sky with stars accompanying her. It was a chilly and breezy night, I rubbed my arms and hands against each other trying to repel the cold.

His hands are always cold.

I could still hear his heartbeat, right?

C'mon Ari you're being paranoid how can he be a vampire his heart was beating.

"Ari!?" I jolted hearing my name. I look back at the direction thr voice called me from.
What is he doing here?
It was dark and the moon kissed skin made him look ethereal. I doubted if was really a human.
How can humans look so pretty?
How can he be so handsome even more than wizards?
He saunters towards me, a gentle smile spread across his face.
Sparkling, mischevious eyes.
Sharp nose.
Kissable, plump lips.
He was slender possessor of devils charm.

"Do you want to jump off the building of what? why are you leaning in so much?" He asked. He leans of the railing in the balcony, himself.

My hand moved on its own, they found its way to his cheeks. I caressed them softly.
"Yeonjun . . ." I called out his name and his eyes widen a little. He jolts back. He breathed out and smiled again.
"... How can you be so pretty so caring and innocent? Are you sure you're a human?" I asked pouting and squeezing his cheeks with both of my hands he did flirt with me and others but he was such a pure child it made me worried he might get played by someone.

He smirked, "Yes, I'm a human m'lady," He said holding my hands in his they were cold and I didn't like it. So I covered his hand with mine rubbing them. I could feel him smiling but, neither was I embarrassed nor was I planning on stopping until his hand were warm. Is it the effect of alcohol?

"Ari..." He called me whining, I glanced at his face stopping for a while, He shook off my hands and I was taken aback and he caught me off guard when he wrapped his hands around my figure before pulling me into a hug. His cologne was nice, like forest leaves mixed with berries.

I didn't push him away moreover it's long since someone hugged me like that so I didn't dare to push him away his hug was warm and calming silencing millions of thoughts inside my mind, the hug eased my heart from fears. I found a home in it, making it much harder for me to push him away.

"Thanks for existing!" He whispered in my ear and I smirked, looking up at his face.
"My pleasure," I whispered back, inhaling all of his scent that made me feel exceptionally dizzy.
Is it because I'm drunk?
Meh! who cares?

I looked at him resring my chin on his toned chest, "What did I even do to you?"
"You did many things for me, that I, myself cannot understand but everytime we meet my heart feels at ease," I could smell, alcohol when he spoke. I felt little uncomfortable.
I must be smelling like alcohol too.
I shouldn't complain.
Its been long since I hugged someone.

Oh Hecate! I wish, I could stay like this forever.

Was the last thing I thought when I felt the ground below me sweeping away and him rocking me on a chilly night was making me feel sleepy. I tried hard to stay awake but last time before I closed my eyes I saw something red, shining like the rubies in the dark. The voice that was whispering sweet things in my ear caused me to put my guard down for the first time in my life. He was trying to pull away.

"Don't go away!" I half yelled holding him tightly by his waist. I felt him smiling his hand moving down and up my back softly. I sighed in tranquility.
"Ari . . . do really don't want me to go,"
"I promise I won't ever let you go," I heard before drifting into sleep being cosied up.

Little did I knew Hecate took my childish wish seriously and what happened next time was something I was fearing all this time. That was my biggest mistake, that when everything started going wrong.

I wish, I didn't fell asleep that night.
I wish, I didn't trust him.
Maybe, I would have stopped myself form falling even deeper,
Deeper  in my predators trap.
My predator.
My enemy.
The one who possessed DEVILS CHARMS.


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Tysm for reading! How was the chapter? Tell me in the comments and do not forget to vote. Does the last para looks like a poem? What are your thoughts? 🤨

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