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YEONJUN: I softly pat Ari's head as she breathes steadily. A small smile made its way to my lips. I remove the strands of hair from her face. She didn't have a frown like usual. She wasn't groaning in pain while sleeping. I sigh deeply, remembering all the events and reasons for her crying, her groans, and close my eyes.
I was such a jerk.

I made someone I love cry. But who could blame me for the monster I have become? Loosing my temper was just a part of my daily schedule. The pain that's always there made my mood even crankier. Whenever we had an argument, I would end up punishing her. I never intended to do it.

I couldn't help. There is no use of crying over spilled milk.

I still remember the day I first met her. I was working as a part-timer in a cafe when she arrived with a swollen cheek and red eyes. Clearly, she had been beaten. Everyone was looking at her weirdly. I felt bad for her, even though I didn't know why. I was just a loser. Who couldn't handle the end of the month?Her voice was shaking when she spoke. She was trembling while ordering. She wasn't even looking at anyone. I felt bad for her, even though I didn't know why. I was just a loser. Who had to work his ass off to pay the monthly bills?

I never encountered her again until the second year of high school. When I met her again, only two years had passed, but she looked like a completely different person. cold demeanor, alpha woman vibes, and a sly smirk. She always had them. She was even more beautiful than before. She didn't look like she remembered me. Of course, I wasn't someone significant enough for her to remember me anyway.

I liked her vibe more than anything. She was cool. I subconsiously wanted to get close to her, and I started it by sharing food with her in every biology class. We always became partners, and despite our deeds, we studied together and aced the tests that gradually brought us closer.

She was my sweet escape from the nightmare. I was living in denial. I was just a loser, but with her I felt alive. I felt I wasn't as useless as the world might think. She was mysterious, telling her problems in a roundabout manner and asking me for mine. We gave each other advice on what to do. In a roundabout manner, that way, it didn't make us awkward with each other because we didn't really know the situation of the other person.

Everything was fine. Until one day, I discovered her secret. We had PH.E that day. She was wearing her sports clothes. We talked a little bit before she was asked to take part in dodge ball. We were playing that. She was the one in the middle, jumping and dodging the ball with the best of her abilities. When she suddenly twisted her ankle and fell, her t-shirt lifted, exposing her back. Girls immidately rushed to cover, regardless of everything. I saw the mark on her waist.

The snake reaching out for the crescent moon

It was a mark witches had from the time they were born. She was a witch, our enemy and for other clans. A means to satisfy lust because witches are pretty and their population is already weak. Vampires and werewolves managed to overpower them because of their nature of living alone.

I had many enemies. I didn't want them to find out about her and hurt her. I began to distance myself. But when I met her again at the party and when I saw her dancing, that was the moment I realised how much I liked her. I loved her so much that it hurt when she looked away in anger as soon as our eyes met. I couldn't bear to leave her.

I reasoned that I would protect her to the best of my ability and then ask her out.She was hesitating, but thanks to that bastard brother, she agreed. I was happy, but on the day of the date. She was late, and when she called, she said that she was coming, but she didn't.

I was like. Did she ditch me? because of my inferiority.

I was sad and didn't dare call her again. I was thankful that I didn't because what happened that day was the worst. I went to the small restaurant where I would always meet with my brothers after school to eat. Not everyone was present there. Beomgyu, my youngest brother, was not there. There were many occasions when one person wasn't present. It was not that big of a deal.

After a light meal, we all made our way out of the store. It was already very dark; it doesn't matter. We were creatures that lurked in the dark. A comfortable silence took place as we walked down the street.

"Hyung!" I heard a voice from behind, a cry that I wished I had never heard. I whipled my head in the direction of the voice. I knew who it was. Beomgyu.
"Beomgyu!" Soobin sheirks, and I noticed the blood on his clothes. His eyes were puffy and red as he looked at me.
"Run!" He whispers. When I sense someone behind me reflexively, I create a shield with my powers, and that man who attacked me stumbles back. I was panting while my mind was blank. I looked at Beomgyu and then at those men who began to surround us.

It was the worst nightmare. I never knew when I was going to die.I had to kill so many people. We gave up on her heirship; we gave up on our clan. We thought if we were together, we'd be happy. But for the world, that wasn't enough. There is no use in being a loser.

We took an action we never thought we would regret.

We took an action we never thought we would regret

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