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I feel his body stiffen in my embrace, he gazes at me. Confusion visible on his face. I breath out giving him a reassuring smile. Instantly, I feel his body weight on mine. I close my eyes gasping, when I feel him pushing me down. My back crashes on the mattress, I shiver feeling the cool sheets against my skin.

I let out a breathy moan, opening my eyes. My jaws drop my gazes falls on him.

I see, blood like liquid swirling in his dark night like irises. They were gleaming like the ruby gems in the dark room. My eyes traveling down his chest where the mark of his clan begins to appear from his shoulder spreading to his obliques and down to naval. I breathed out. Awestruck. My hands tracing the mark on his body.

YEONJUN's ruby eyes flickers from her face down her naked body. I knew the effect I had on her, she knew the effect she had on me. I saw her face twising in amazement when she saw my clan mark spreading on my body. I ran my fingers on her cheeks, her neck that was full of purple marks, down her body. I leaned forward colliding our lips.

The fire ignited as the demon inside me roared.

This kiss begins with soft and caring rythem. I wanted her to enjoy each an every moment from now. Her one hand plaming my face and fingers of her other hand fisting my hair. I smirked against her lips, biting down on her bottom lip lightly, just enough to drive her crazy. The intoxicating smell she released when she was turned on was like fuel for my heart.

Now the lastly, I released my wings, the huge extensions of my body circling around us. This is the first time I'm doing something like this.

She gasped at the loud sounds and moved her head back, looking right and left quickly. Black, shining feather was all I could see. My eyes flickering from one wing to another. I gaze at Yeonjun, with a look a puzzlement. He smiles, I wanted to ask but he began tracing his lips on my skin. I gasp, breathing sharply. Maybe later.

I shivered as I felt his tongue run up the side of my neck, He released my neck and slid down and lifted my thigh. I blushed as he looked straight into my eyes. He sucked her inner thigh and she gasped at the pain of a sensitive spot. Her hand flying over my mouth to stop herself from moaning.

He sucked and released it and went back to her face. He braced his arm on either side of her, readying himself between her parted legs. He leaned forward and kissed Ari again, long slow, and deep, and with one push he sank inside her. He stops for a moment, allowing her body to adjust to it.

He dove for her neck and his fangs dug into her flesh. He bit your neck as you bit your lip and closed your eyes. The excruciating pain filled my senses. I screamed, his fangs dugged deeper in my skin sucking my blood. Tears rolled down cheeks, my breathing became sharp and quick. The pain began to subside and the pleasure sweeped into me. I struggled whether to cry in pain or moan in pleasure.

My mind hazed with clouds of thoughts. I feel his tongue softly licking the warm blood trickling down my skin. Is it over? I wanted to ask. But, my body was too exhausted. My eyes blurry, I fought off the urge to close my eyes.

I feel him kissing me roughly as he bit my lip. I clenched my eyes shut and He grabbed the back of my head and deepened the kiss. His lips left mine and left a string of saliva connecting our lips. You panted softly and he pulls away, his hand softly brushing over my eyes. Darkness engulfs me.

I sigh feeling the warm wet cloth being pressed on my sore neck. I feel the fabric running over my body. I flutter my eyes open to see Yeonjun sitting at the edge of the bed dressed in his nightsuit. I blink, my eyes wondering why he is smiling?

My eyes travel outside the large window next to the bed. It notice the nightsky, moon coming out from tye clouds.
"Its still night,"
"Yeah, you didn't even pass out for 15 minutes," He replies, I push myself to sit up and leaned my back on the headrest, still gawking out.

My hand subconsciously traveling to my neck, "Is it done?" I ask softly tracing the area where he sank his fangs and look back at him.

He leans forward his lips briefly touching mine, "Yes, Now you're official mine." I lean back, feeling the heat radiating from my skin as I gazed down at my fingers shyly, recollecting my memory from moments ago. I crane my head instantly my eyes going past him, "Where did your wings go?"

He looks at me amused. "Did you like them?" He asks.
"They are pretty," I whisper, I remember how his wings softly brush my skin.

He arches his eyebrows, gazing at me with a smirk. My eyes falls on the buttons of his nightsuit which flew open and falls off his shoulder softly and he released his black wings. A gasp left my mouth, I held my breath in my belly staring at those breathtaking wings. The soft, shiny black feather. I got on my knees, extending my hand to touch them.

I looked at Yeonjun, he nods. I palm his wings in one direction. My heart pulsating.

"Why your wings are so different from normal vampires wings?" I ask, remembering the wings off the vampires I have ever fought or seen. A frown appearing, wrinkling my forehead.

He smirks, blood starts swirling in his eyes until they weee completely red, "Because I'm not a normal vampire, I'm half demon and half vampire,"

He smirks, blood starts swirling in his eyes until they weee completely red, "Because I'm not a normal vampire, I'm half demon and half vampire,"

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