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I slouched my shoulder, looking down at my stomach. Goosebumps running down my body as I remembered the dark night. It was all the result of my negligence. The first ray of morning light falls in the room from the window. I raised my head, gazing out at the orange sky and the sun.

I was so focused on Yeonjun, I didn't consider of these things when I returned. I take a deep breath, removing the quilt and walked over to the window, pushing the door open. The cold autumn breeze fluttering my hair back. I close my eyes, drowning in the sensation. My mind filled with the thoughts of the past.

I pull out my phone and dialed a number. Putting it on my ear. After two rings, I hear the voice of a boy from the other end.


“…. Hello?”

Ari: “Woosuk, will you do something for me?”
Woosuk: “If it's related to that bastard, then I'm hanging up,”

Ari: “It's about him…. But don't hang up on me. I CAN EXPLAIN!”

Woosuk: “….Ari noona I can't understand everyone can see he is using you, why can't—”

Ari: “Yah! Listen to me first! I told you it's about him, but I want the information for something else!”

Woosuk: “What is it?”

Ari: “Just do this for me. I'll tell you when we meet,”

I could hear him groan and there was no response. I stayed quiet for a while, and then a humming noise came from the other end. I smiled.

Ari: “Find out everything related to who Jaejun is meeting.”

Woosuk: “Didn't you two break up? Is it a new stalker obsession or what?”

Ari: “You have lots of guts. Dare you question the priestess?” I ask jokingly. He laughs slightly.

Woosuk: “Okay, I'll find them, but promise me you'll come back to coven. High Priestess is not on health, she wants to see you,”

Ari: “I know, and I promise I'll go back, find these things out for me!”

I hang up while thinking about the high priestess whom I've been avoiding since my marriage with Yeonjun. In past when I asked her to help me get out of this marriage. She didn't and instead blessed me for a happy marriage. I began yo avoid her. How can I forget that woman is gifted with vision to see past, present and tutu—?

A cold hand wraps around me, pulling me into his embrace, his face nuzzling in the crook of my neck. I gasp, feeling his hot breath against my skin.

“Why are you looking for Jaejun?” He asked, I can feel his fangs against my skin. I freeze, Shit! He heard it.
“When did you come?” I laugh as I turn around to face him, while still being in his embrace. I saw his eyes blood-red and him retracting his fangs. He glares at me, grinding his molars.

“Don't try to change the topic!” He warned me. I felt the chills running down my spine.
I look away, my eyes going everywhere but him and he pushed me against the wall beside the window. His voice was deeper than usual. His voice generally turns deep when he is in anger.

He pressed his forehead to mine. I could feel, two conflicting energies inside him, a frown creasing on his forehead. “Ari, you should've killed me. Then, you would've been free for being with him. But this is what you chose,”

I couldn't help but smile, “Yes this is what I've chosen, and I'm happy with it,” I said and tip toed pressing my lips against his cheeks. He breathes impatiently. He grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. A cynical smile spreading across his face. The feeling of dejá vù courses through me. Didn't this happen when I came back in time? Calm down Ari!

“I swear, I'm not meeting. I— I've been away from my coven for too long and I need to set things online,” I say, and he opens his ruby red eyes deeply staring into my soul. I closed, wincing as he squeezed my cheeks tightly.

"Yeonjun! It hurts!” I cried. He didn't spare a glance. His grip loosened and the eyes went back to normal.

“Really? I trust you. Let me tell you this is also the last time. Break my trust again, this time. I'll bury his whole family alive, and you— you won't be seeing the sunrise ever again.” The threat felt being engraved in my skin. I shivered as he is dark overwhelming aura pushed my lighter aura away.

“I won't! I won't break. Please Yeonjun it hurts!” I cried, suddenly his eyes turn back to normal. He gazed at me bewildered, his grip around my jaws loosening. He jumped away from me, running his hands through his hair frustrated.

“Shit!” I heard him mutter, then in a blink of an eye he disappeared.

A/N: Helu Helu

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Helu Helu.
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