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My pale fingers tightly twisted the duvet.

Again, I had to endure the pain of of body being torn apart. It hurt to the point where my body stiffened. A whimper escaped from my lips but instantly was quietened by cold lips of Yeonjun above me. I tasted my own sweat and tears before fell into coma. 

Next time I gained consciousness. I saw a luxurious chandelier above my head. My eyes flickered around the room in disbelief.

This was the Yeonjun's room where I woke in past everytime he slept with me. I gazed outside the window. The clouds drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. Specks of dust seemed to dance in the shaft of afternoon sunlight that slanted through the window. I rubbed my bleary eyes, as I watched the sun bath the buildings.

Is it a dream? I thought.

The aching pain in my lower body said otherwise, I glanced down at myself. My neck and shoulder was littered with love bites and hickeys. It's not a dream. My legs are sore. I shook my head and looked at the window bay in the side wall.

I looked pale like a ghost in a black shirt. My mascara and lipstick was smudge. I couldn't believe he still liked me after seeing me like this. Atleast, he had put some clothing on me and didn't leave me naked.

I squinted my eyes on the digital clock on the nightstand. It was 10: 45 a.m. and I collapsed back looking at the white canopy curtains above my head with my arm resting on my forehead. It's not like I don't want to get out of this bed that is reeking with his scent. Its just my body feel so tired after last night. I don't feel like moving. But, when my stomach growled loudly, I had to change my plans. I had to get up now to fill my stomach.

Fuck. I cursed in my head while I got off the bed. Shifting my body weight to my feet. A pain shot from my limbs to my abdomen making my legs shake, immediately I collapsed on the floor. A groan escaping my lips and tears brimmed in my eyes making my vision blurry.

Why do I have such a pathetic life?


Half of a day passed and as expected Choi Yeonjun didn't return home. It's not that I want to see that guy. Our marriage was one of his ploy. He literally kidnapped while my uncle tried to sell me off to some old geezer.

My married life was like those toxic love novels in every freaking sense. Why wouldn't it be?

He was vampire, I was witch. We were arch enemies. It was not a new thing when vampire or a werewolf owned a witch to satisfy there lust. After all witches were beautiful creatures.

Second most beautiful after, Demigods. The rivalry between the two kinds were going on for millenia. We were over powered by vampires and werewolves. It happened because witches nature of surviving individually. Since there was no upper authority like a Queen who was capable enough to bring all the witches together. Everyone was free to live individually.

I resilient against him. I didn't wanted to become one of his toy. I guess, Hecate had different plans for me. In the blink of an eye, seven hours passed. I spent most of my time reflecting on the memories of my previous life.

Yeonjun, No different from the past didn't appear before me despite of being in home. I sighed looking at the clock. 5: 49 p.m.

I need some fresh air. I thought and slipped out of the bed.

The workers were buried in there work rarely cared about me. I didn't wanted there attention as well. I got out of my mansion and sat down in gazebo.

Dazed, I blankly stare at the destroyed garden. Pang of guilty emotions invaded inside me. I sighed regretfully. I destroyed it with fire magick, simply because it was a gift form Yeonjun on my birthday. My mind was blinded by the hatred that I didn't even notice his obvious efforts to win my heart. A wry smile spread across my lips.

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