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I organised my dorm after coming to university. As soon as I recovered form fever I got ready go univeristy. He didn't object, of course we'll be meeting at university and he said he would move out as well getting a room in dorm. I just hoped that he respects my freedom.

I sigh in exasperation looking at my organised wardrobe. A smile rested on my lips, I looked back at my phone. When I hear the knock at the door. I move forward to open and to my unpleasant surprise. There stood the most bitchest person anyone would ever meet. Lee Jena. She smiles as soon as the door opens and I fake a smile, before she latches on me making me stumble back. Bitch.

"Aah...I'm happy that you're back, did Yeonjun finally got bored of you?" She  asks, snickering and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Why would you think that?" I ask seriously, yet politely as I could though I wanted to choke her right now and then, burn her down to ashes. I clench my fist.

"Oh don't get me wrong, I mean he let you go out did you guys fight or something?"

"I don't think I tell you that," I reminded her that she was trying to invade my privacy, fold my hands on my chest sitting on the bed. I didn't ask her to sit making the enviorment awkward.

"Yeah, Yeah, I was asking out of concern you know, I really can't see you in pain,"

"Yes Jena how can I forget your kindness," I say sarcastically but she still didn't catch it. I smiled inwardly.

"Thanks for not misunderstanding me, but he will be staying at Mansion right?"

Jena used to come to mansion alot as a excuse of meeting me and Yeonjun never stopped her. Maybe, he thought I needed a friend but little did he knew this friend was more interested in him than me. I stayed quite watching her non-sense.

"Let's go to cafeteria it's almost dinner time,"

"Mhmm..." I said, giving her cold shoulder.

SHE FOLLOWED ME EVERYWHERE. Sitting next to me while, I quietly ate my food and I was looking down at my plate while eating quietly. Fuck off you bitch, I screamed at her in my head. I sense her waving her hand suddenly, "Mark oppa!"

I shot a glance in direction she was following her gaze and I saw a man standing with his food plate looking blankly in our direction and he smiles waving back.

"Come here sit with us," She says and I narrow my eyes looking back at her. What's with her? I thought other than Yeonjun everyone looked like a sheirk to her. What is she planning? I didn't say anything and Mark walks upto us setting the plate on table he sits down across me.

"Hi! Ari it's been long I didn't knew you go here?" He begins and I look up.

"Hello Sunbae, I was on a vacation that's why you didn't see me," I answer softly poking at my spaghetti.

"What subject did you chose?"

"I opted for chemistry, because I wanted to be a perfumer,"

"Perfumer? That's cool job,"

"Yeah, I guess"

"How is everything going with you Jena? Seems like you guys are still best friends,"

"Everything is cool, Yeah we remained bestfriends and I missed her so much," I almost gagged hearing Jena's cute voice as she squeezes herself on my arms and I just smiled firmly.

"Ari do you remember when Mark oppa confessed to you in high school?" She asks out of the blue. I freeze in my spot, I wasn't able to move a muscle. Not because what she said, but because I felt a familiar gaze stabbing in my back.

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