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I was locked up after arriving at the mansion.


The sound of the door made my heart jump. I subconsciously gripped the plastic bag that contained the empty lunch box I brought from the hospital.

Barely, two weeks passed by and I was back here again. Even if everything was alright, being trapped inside this luxurious bedroom led to fear penetrating my soul making me shudder.

I had been trapped in this room for seven years in my past life with an extreme fear of darkness and silence. But, eventually got used to it and started fearing people and light. The scariest thing was being imprisoned even if I was able to escape one day, the prison around my heart never left me.

Even though, I was reborn and returned to the time when the tragedy began I still couldn't escape the memories of my last life.

Outside, The sound of familiar footsteps came closer and closer step by step and it was so quiet that I was getting creeps by the sound.

The door of the room opened with a loud creep, my pupils contracted to see the two red dots in the darkness before my pupils bulged out seeing Yeonjun standing there with a cold, indifferent expression on his face. The scene in front of me merged with the scene of my previous life. It was like a poison that was slowly corroding my heart. My stomach dropped I gulp, while the hair on my body rise in fear. I take a step back.
He disappears and before I could make out what was going on. I was thrown on the bed with an enormous force and the bag in my grip fell and crashed on the floor.


But before I could finish, I said A large hand grabbed my neck and began choking me. The hand belonged to none other than him, Choi Yeonjun.
My hand grasps his wrist weakly, attempting to shove him away. Tears well up in my eyes as I look at him, pleading for mercy. Suddenly, the pressure on my neck began to lessen. I tried to fill my lungs with oxygen as much as I can, coughing in the middle.

In the room all I could hear at that time was my ragged breathing and feel Yeonjun's ruby eyes burning holes in me. I couldn't even lift my head to look at him in the face, I wanted to know. Why he did that to me. But my throat was cooperating with me. I couldn't even make a single sound. Right at the moment, I wanted to bury myself in the hole. My head was throbbing with pain and fear.

"Ari, I said it before... This was the last time. I trusted you Now, you've run out of chances. . ." He said. Following this, his footsteps got further and further away gradually and the sound of the lock clanged again. Once I had been relieved of his presence, I immediately coughed violently. I fell on the bed hiding my face in between the cushions.


The study was disordered with all the things thrown here and there laid on the floor broken. Yeonjun sat on the armchair with a loud thump, pushing his hair back in frustration and in the corner stood assistant, gulping seeing his boss burning in rage.

Yeonjun icy gaze landed on the assistant name Keiji.

"What did you find?"

His sharp voice pierced through his body who mustered up the courage to speak.

"Ms Min did go to the hospital and in the emergency ward," He said hesitantly and that angered him even more. The red colour was dancing in his irises.

"Make sure that woman doesn't run away from the room," Yeonjun ordered gazing at the floor and the scared assistant nodded before heading out of the room to inform the guards to keep an eye on Ari.

Yeonjun sighed holding his head. The pain was unbearable, coming all together piercing his body. He couldn't hold it anymore and his vision started getting blurry. He looked up getting off the chair he walked to the window where there was a was of blue flower kept under the moonlight.

He wrapped his hands around it crushing it completely. His eyes were dark, violence and sadism eroding the last remants of humanity on his face.

A/N:Happy Soobin Day eveyone~

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Happy Soobin Day eveyone~

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