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I take a sip of my wine. My head laying against the wall, when I feel her gaze boring into me. I want to avoid it for tonight. What is she doing here? I open my eyes, and they instantly met her emerald green ones. My heart skipped a beat. She was smiles, but I cannot not today. I must refrain myself from going close to her. She will pick up the dead energy I'm carrying today. She is sensitive to energy and until, I do something or indulge in a different kind of energy to shake this off.

Her eyes blur with tears, gazing at me longingly. She wasn't angry because of what I did to her. She isn't angry. My heart went wild when the tear slipped down her eyes, she looked down and ran away outside.

My body moved on its own. I rushed down the stairs towards the hallway. She was running towards the entrance, I stop. Thinking if I should go behind her. The moment she reached entrance, something falls.

“ARI!” I screamed her name. She sensed it before my calling her and jumped back but loosing her center she falls on the floor. I gasp, seeing what had fallen from the above. My vampire vision doing me favors, I run towards Ari.

He placed his hand on her eyes, covering Ari's sight. A smirk spreading across his lips as he saw the body of the beautiful woman on the ground, covered in blood. My hands tightly wrapped around Ari drowning myself in her earthly and floral scent of her body was expelling. My Ari.


After my conversation with my secretary. I left and so did my secretary. My body was itching to meet that woman. Those subtle gazes, innocent eyes looking at me expectantly. I sucked the breath through my teeth.

I walked across the hallway and entered my cabin in the underground of the building. I looked around the room. And, began loosening my necktie, I began to take off my overcoat and began to roll my sleeves and walked towards the table to complete some remaining work before I meet her.

An hour passed, I finished the work quickly and got up walking to the washroom. I quickly used teleportation and teleported myself to the presidential suite leading the building.

The adrenaline rushing in my veins. The smile that never leaving my face. I knocked on the door of the bedroom, I can hear the scuffling sound of feet. Until the moment she opened the door. I walked to the bar in the corner of the room and took out the bottle of champagne. It was not long before the door of the room was open. Before me stood the angel like beautiful woman. Ironically, she was a monster. A smile charmingly, my eyes glinting bright red from the excitement.

"Oh Mr. Choi," She said, her voice scared and clumsy, and she stepped away for me to step in.
"Areum right?"
"Ah- Yes," She replies innocently.
"Do you drink?"
"I-ah, No I don't," She replies.

I smirk, walking to the coffee table, I turn the glass and pour myself a glass of champagne. The golden liquid swirls before filling the glass. I hold it with my index finger and thumb bringing it close to my lips, taking a sip of it causing the creamy, mellow taste of it dissolving in my mouth. While, I glanced out of the mirror at the night scene of the city. Before focusing my eyes on that woman, She had this blush on her face. When she begins to take off her clothes.

I turn around, "Come here," I said softly.

She takes a deep breath, wearing a lilac colored lingerie, she takes small steps walking towards me. While, I drink the liquid, putting the glass on the table. She stands before me, her brown eyes meeting mine. I remove the strand of her brown hair from her face, softly caressing her cheeks. Yeonjun's eyes flickering from her eyes to her lips, he used his thumb to rub her lips. Bringing her face closer to his, his hands slipped down her face to her neck.

His hand was grasping at her throat, he gripped her skinny neck with his fingers squeezing tightly.

"You're not even half as beautiful as my wife, dared to think you can sleep with me?" He grumbled as he begins pushing her back.
"You dirty, lowly monster. Do you think you can fool me?"
Yeonjun's eyes glowed dangerous red, when he hanged her body by her neck in the midair.

"How?" She struggled to speak.
"How? You must have been sent by him, right? Thinking, I was still weak, and my only power is seduction, right? Tch Tch Tch," He clicks his tongue before chuckling.

"Please let me go, I swear I'll go away. . ." Siren managed to speak. Yeonjun's eyes softened, he released the pressure on her neck, causing her body to fall on the ground.

Pain came over as she felt the cold air digging to her body. As she shivered and coughed violently and breathed heavily. Yeonjun kept gazing at her with an amused expression. The night was bleak, the sky without a moon. It was too dark on the room and the only source of light was outside city lights.

Siren's eyes glowed cerulean blue, the wings appeared behind her. She looked up, baring her sharp teeth, she snarls at him. Yeonjun's smile only widened at the sight. The dark smokes began to appear from behind Yeonjun's back. She gets up from the floor, charging towards him with her sharp claws. The smoke moves towards the siren, pinning her against the wall instantly. Her wings disappeared, the white feathers fall on the ground.

"Now -Now . .", Yeonjun begins, while walking back to the coffee table, pouring himself another glass.
"Tell me your real intention, before I kill you painfully. If you want to die peacefully, you better be quick,"

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