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I blink, my heart trashing in my chest. A demon. My mouth turns a round, “HOW?”
I pounce on him, eagerly wanting to know. He smiles.

“Is it your dad?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.
“Yes, my dad is a demon.”
“Whoa….! Really?” He raises his eyebrows, nodding. When suddenly, I hear roaring of an engine. Who is it at this time? I thought, but ignored it.

“But, I never heard anything about your parents. All I know is that your mother… she is—” I was hesitating to speak. But his eyes pierced into mine.
“Dead.” He finishes my sentence. I nod, cautiously.
“Do you want to know about me?” He asks, his forehead touching mine. I looked at him. His eyes closed, He was smiling.
“Yeah! I want to know about you, and I want you to know about me.” I said softly.

He pulls back. His thumb drawing circles on my wrist. I was feeling tingles running down my body. This is new. I thought, my heart beating furiously.

“Then, we'll go to the Toreador clan tomorrow!” He suggests, and my smile extends, I nodded. That place has so many books. I haven't finished reading.
“Okay,” I nod, and he gets up.

I am just staring at him. He walked acrossed the room, getting down the elevated bedchambers and went inside the closet. I quickly get off, I was already wearing my night clothes. He dressed me in my sleep and run across the room to follow him. I see him taking off his night clothes and changing into a black silk shirt, leather pants.

“Are you going somewhere?” I ask, leaning o the door.
“Yeah…I have some work at club. You should rest,”
I pout staring at him, “What work?”
“It's official work, nothing much. I need to deal with it first,” He says with a smile. I freeze, I hate it when he smiles like that. A sly smile, his eyes crinkling into a grin.

“Oh, I see,” I said. I hope I know about him tomorrow. I said in my head, my eyes dropping on the floor. He got ready and went out of the room, and I followed him until the stairs. When I notice a tall figure standing there. His eyes glued on his phone and he looked up.

His wing shaped eyes piercing mine. I halt, gripping the railing of the stairs. Choi Soobin, Yeonjun's second brother, standing there. He came to pick him up, I guess. He looks back at Yeonjun both give each other a nod. I looked a Yeonjun, He looked as if he was in hurry. I raise my hand to bid him a 'bye' but he didn't even turn around to look at me.

Maybe, It's something important.

YEONJUN. The spots of blood splash on his face when he pulls the trigger. His face cold as ice when he gazed at the pile of corpse in front of him. He throws the gun at the corner before he motions the men standing in the corner to clean the place up.

He sinks in the couch, taking the golden drink in his hand. He reclines back on the sofa, letting his head fall back. The door opens, other brothers walk in. Soobin and Beomgyu. Their hands red with blood as the lazily disposed the gloves they were wearing and sinks in the couch.

“Yeonjun Hyung, I've caught the whiffs of Sweet scent on you since you have arrived,” Beomgyu breaks the silence, a smirk slayed on his lips. He was eager to know. He knew it already. He ruled Toreador. But, he wanted to hear it from Yeonjun's mouth.

“Don't you know it?” Yeonjun asks, smirking.
“I want to hear it from your mouth,” Beomgyu replies with a sly grin.
Yeonjun nods, “I've marked her. Yesterday.”
Soobin chuckles, “I thought you'd take even longer.”
“I managed to gain her love and trust.”
“It would've been better if you—” Soobin was saying but stopped, remembering Narae, “No, No!” He shook his head.

“Come on Soobin, say it.” Yeonjun urged.
“He wanted to you to urge Ari just like he did to Narae,”Beomgyu chuckles, pulling out a cigarette.
“Narae was naiver than, Ari that's why it was possible.” Yeonjun states.
“Well, it is not the matter of Naivety! She knew almost nothing about the world or about herself at that time. She was already scared, and I just used it,” Soobin defends.
“Come on stop defending your mates in front of me! It's irritating.” Beomgyu snaps lighting the cigarette.

They quietened and gazed at Beomgyu, who looked into the space to take a puff. His eyes suddenly turning red. The environment of the room grew cold as all gazed at Beomgyu

“Now, Hyung use them to find out about that person. And, the prophecy.”

Wanna know about this person? Check out my other books of smitten series

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Wanna know about this person? Check out my other books of smitten series.

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