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I clutched tightly on my notebook while walking down the hallway crowded with students towards the biology lab. Today we had lab most of the time our biology teacher prefers to teach in the classroom but, today was an exception.

I slide the door and few students were already present there and I walked inside going to the last bench near the window which was still not occupied. I placed my notebook on the counter and sat down, waiting for class to start.

The class was soon filled with students, while I was staring out of the window. When girls suddenly shrieked. I jolt and turn my head towards the door to see Yeonjun walking inside he stopped and looked around the class with a small apologetic smile before he gazed in my direction. I was already swooning at him because of how handsome he looked today with those silver hair. He started walking towards me and seeing his eyes gleaming, heat rushed my neck and cheeks.

"Is this seat empty?" He asked and nervously showing his toothy smile, "Um yeah," I scooted to another side. The seat was long enough for three people to sit. He sat down and placed his notebook and stuff on the table.

Mr Lim our biology teacher walks inside the class and slams his things on the table, "Now class settle down and we'll start with the class," He said.

Class started and I was focusing on the board as he explained how to do a dissection of a damn frog. A sigh escaping my lips when suddenly the strong chocolaty smell filled my nose and I looked at Yeonjun to see his mouth chewing quietly and a bar of chocolate in his hand while he looked at the board pretending to focus.

A smile crept on my lips when I saw him eating chocolates in the middle of class. He gazed in my direction, raised eyebrows questioning why was I smiling? and I shook my head, 'Nothing' I mouthed. He extended the hand which had a chocolate bar towards me. I could see the mischevious glint in his eyes. The thirst to defy the rules. My eyebrows quirked up and, 'Have some' He said and I pressed my lips in a thin line. Thinking if I should take it or not? But, being a chocolate lover I couldn't deny it and ended up taking two squares from it.

It became the scene of every biology class.

We deliberately grew closer and I get to know his flirty side. I was in front of my locker in the classroom, he was leaning on his one while gazing at me. We became biology buddies, It was biology next so he was waiting for me while I searched for my notebooks

"Hey Darling, How about we get out of this place and do something fun?" He asked with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Sorry to pop your bubble but, I'm having much fun right now" his lips were pressed in a thin line, I almost smiled at how cute he looked with a flaring nose while thinking and seconds later another smirk occurred and there he goes again.

"Baby you could fall off the tree or fall of the building but, the best way is-"
"Fall in love with you?" I completed his sentence after cutting him off and he sighs in defeat raising his hands in the air.

"Why does it never work on you?" He whined while pouting, and just smile pointing at my head, "Is there something like 'Am I easy?' written over my head?" I asked and he became quiet suddenly sighing.

"No, it's not,"

He threw his arms around my shoulder in a friendly manner while we started walking out of the classroom, "You're the first girl whom I talk this much,"
"That's the lamest pick-up line,"
"No, it's the truth,"
"Don't lie cat boy,"
"What cat boy seriously? Ari!"
"You've eyes like a cat," I chuckle, when I saw him stretching his eyelids while looking at his reflection in the window. It was the second time I saw his face clearly. Small eyes, plump lips and chubby face whivh looked tired and haggard for some reasons. Didn't he get enough sleep last night?

"Are you alright?" I ask softly turning my head to look back at him. He freeze in his place momentarily before looking at me. One of the corner of his lips curls up, "Of course I'm fine, What would happen to me?"

I pursed my lips. I could tell he was lying but, at that time I thought. If I pressurize him too much I may make him uncomfortable. I chose to pass it thid once.

The bell rang.


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