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I shook my head furiously, trying to shake off the old memories. I sit on the bed, turning my head to look outside the window. It was getting dark. I have been locked in this room for five days now. I am on the verge of losing my sanity. I want to get out, but it's no use. There is a magic barrier in the mansion, so I can not use magic inside this property. I got off the bed and walked to the window, leaning my head on the glass. I peered outside the window.

Taking a deep breath, I sighed.

Something feels weird; the energy of the house feels weird. The normal flow of energy was disrupted. I looked at the moon. New moon Something doesn't feel right. I want to go outside. I softly tap my head against the window, stopping in the middle to look back at the door.

I'll get out.

He won't lock me up for more than a week.

Why did he lock me here in the first place? What did I even do? As long as I remember, I went to meet Yeji. My hands automatically travelled to my neck. I winced. I remembered the feeling of being choked. A shiver ran down my spine.

Why did I become so submassive?

I wasn't like this.

"Ari, behave like a girl. You shouldn't raise your voice at your father. "

My father said, "It's okay, she is just expressing her opinions," and smiled.

My father said, "But it's wrong."

It's good. My father said, "I don't want my daughter to be like those submassive girls."

I smiled. A dry chuckle left my lips. I loomed at the stars. My father is probably one of them. People become stars after death. He is there watching over me. I'm sorry Appa, I'm nothing like what you expected me to be. I'm just an arrogant fool. Who knows how to rely on others?

I don't want to live like this. I don't want to be shielded. I'm tired. I kept my eyes closed, trying to guess the reason I was locked here. The only thing that pisses him off like this is when I meet Jaejun, but I haven't met him in ages. Why the hell am I meeting him right now? Then why?

I kept on banging my head lightly on the window. No, wait, am I forgetting something? What month is it? I turn around and look at the calendar on the table, squinting my eyes to get a better view. September is here.


What happened during this month of the year? I tried to remember all the events from my past life. Of course, I only remember the most significant moments. It was like coming two years back, so how do you expect me to remember everything?

I remembered that around this time, Jaejun got into an accident and Jena called me to inform me of that. I again escaped from the mansion to go to the hospital. She told Yeonjun, who dragged me out of the hospital, making a scene on the street and locking me up. Jena, that fucking bitch. I sat on my haunches, holding my head, cursing her in all the languages I've ever known.

I got up the next moment and walked to the bed where I had laid my phone. I have taken pics with Yeji. I've got proof. I can show it to Yeonjun. As I swipe through the pictures, a small satisfied smile appears on my lips. The smile died the next moment, and I realised that I'm not allowed to go out right now. He is not visiting me. I can send him on Messenger. Right. I selected the pictures, ready to send them to Yeonjun.

"What are you doing?" The voice suddenly startles me. The jolt caused the phone to fly away. I turn around, my hands on my chest, trying to calm my heartbeat. My eyes met Yeonjun's. He was standing right behind me.

My eyes widened as I saw so much blood. I turned around to see a scratch on his face. His lips were busted, his eyes half-closed. He looked lifeless, barely hanging on there. My eyes travelled down his body to see him in that was almost red with cuts and blood coming from the torn part.
"HOW DID YOU GET HURT?" I gasped, seeing him like this. He cups my face before sliding down to my neck and giving me a gentle squeeze.
"Ari, your blood vessels on your neck..." He said in a low, deep voice.

"Your blood smells so delicious," and my eyeballs almost bounced out from hearing him say it. Just like always, my breath hitched in my throat.
The way he looked at me gave me thrills, a mixed emotion of fear and lust. He inches his nose into the hollow of my neck. His soft, wet lips pressed against my skin as he drew the fabric from my left shoulder. I felt his fangs tracing my collarbone. The water from his mouth was on my skin, making it slippery. My hands and feet began to turn cold. He was going to bite me with his fangs. This hasn't happened before, right?

"Please," My voice came out in a mere whimper. I sensed him jerking, then closing his mouth. His lips stayed there for some time, as he breathed heavily. In one fluid motion, he collapses on the floor, breathing heavily. He looked heavily injured. I saw his clothes. long black jacket, leather pants, and a high neck. I take notice of the gun, the gun with silver bullets.It is used to kill vampires and werewolves. To kill. My eyes straddle Yeonjun's state. I sit in front of him, my eyes shifting between the gun and him.

If I kill him right now, I will be free.

My hands reached for the gun that had fallen from his holster. My bones were trembling from it. I slowly trace its edges with the tip of my finger.
Isn't this a great chance to kill me, Ari? You'll be free forever, "he says, striking me out of my trance. I look at the gun in my hand and again at him. The blood was pulsing in my head, veins, heart, and even my feet.The atmosphere was strangely humid. September is here.

I lift my hand, pointing the gun at his heart. He smiles. My hands are trembling. He holds the gun that I pointed at his chest. What the heck? My fingers wrap around the trigger.

 What the heck? My fingers wrap around the trigger

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