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"I've to go back! Its urgent!" I nervously said and turned around to leave. He grabbed my hand, my lost my temper.
"Ari! Why do you look like this? Will you be in danger? Is it dangerous?" He grabs my shoulder. He frowns, words fumbling out of his nervous lips. I breathed in. Pressing my lips together. I breathe out. I extended my hand towards his face, caressing his lips. I give him a reassuring smile.

"No, I'm not doing anything dangerous. Even if I was, don't worry. Your wife is powerful enough to kill anyone, You know it, too." I smirked lopsidedly. Ari didn't realize that her eyes were glowing with, full of anger and bloodlust. Yeonjun could sense her intention even though her lips said she was not doing anything. Her eyes told a different story.

I was always told by her. I'm the scariest when I talk softly, but my expression looks scary. Is this what I look like? It's terrifying. Yeonjun's face twisted into a frown as he watched her figure disappear from the line of his sight. My hands tightly bound in a fist when I looked at her. I wanted to stop her from doing anything dangerous This is what I promised to that witch. I will protect Ari, but I won't interfere with her choices. She had her duties, she was born with.


"You're much more daring than I thought. Son of Lucifer. If I want, I can kill you this instant and no one will save you," the High Priestess sneered at me. A smirk makes its way to my lips. My eyes lock the middle-aged woman.

"Really?" I chuckled. Knowing it well that she won't, it goes against the rules of this Coven to kill anyone. A stupid rule made by the old rulers of this Coven that caused death of numerous high priestess. When they were under attack, they had no choice but to kill.

"Are you doubting my abilities?" She asks, her voice causing the walls of the room to shiver. I still didn't look down, but straight in her eyes. My smile disappearing. The serious expression masks my face.

"I know you won't kill me, after all, this Coven is in debt of my mother, isn't it?" I ask smiling. She seriously glares at me, her light green eyes piercing mine.

"We aren't the reason she is dead!"
"I know she chose that for herself, but She chose it to save your people. Shouldn't you repay her,"

Her expression relaxed for a moment, her eyes went white. Her iris when white, completely white. She looked like as if she were in trance. The next moment, her eyes goes back to normal. She sighed, "What do you want?"
"I want one of your witches,"
"So you came to your real nature, huh?" A mocking smile appears on her lips.
"I want to marry her, I don't want her for my needs. I've plenty of women if I needed that I wouldn't have walked in here,"
"Seriously?" She chuckled and her chuckled turned to laughter, that echoed in the entire coven. I waited for her to calm down. She laughed until she was out of breath.

She gasps as she talks again, "Who do you want?"
"Min Ari,"

In no second, a big scowl covered her face. She glared at me through her piercing, blazing gaze. She was burning holes in my head. She hates the idea. Is she someone important here? I thought cause the way she was looking at me. She was filled with anger.

She gets up from her seat, "Please return Mr. Choi, If you want anything else. I'll give it to you. She is not a thing that you've come here to ask for my permission,"
"I'm not here to ask for your permission. Witch!" My eyes drifted towards the window. I got up from the seat. I heaved a sigh. Then, left.

I heard her calling my name in anger, "CHOI YEONJUN! COME BACK!"

It was the same night. I was informed that her cousin sold her off to pay back his gambling debt. All I knew was the person who bought her. I was waiting for the car to cross the lane to that place. The moment the black car appeared with her inside. I ordered my men to stop it. The car's cover took the car she was in, and it halted with a screeching sound on the cold night. Everything was quiet and distant sounds of dogs howling were heard.

The driver came out of the car. I asked, one of my men, to deal with him. He was a single man, of course my bodyguard just punched him one's and that man passed out. Then, I stepped out of the car and walked towards the back seat of that car. When I opened the door, I saw her breathing heavily, the smell of her pheromones going to another level. While, she laid on her back on the back seat.

What a family? Where is your boyfriend now? I thought to myself. I caressed her cheeks, she leaned herself. I could sense she was drugged by them. The scent of her body filled my senses. Everything in my head pure, pounding white. I felt the dark curl of desire unfurl into me, bending all my rules and snapping the last bit of the restraint I've kept after meeting her again.

I bite my lips, causing the blood to drop. It doesn't matter, the pain I felt was much needed to keep me sane. I'm not a calm person when I'm with her. I want to the dirtiest deeds to her and still want her to smile.

"I can take her right now. After all these years she can finally be ours." Demon in my head chuckled.
Shut up! Don't even think of doing anything bad. I said in my head to him and he went quiet.

I take her out, picking her up in the bridal style. She wrapped her hands around me. She doesn't know it's me, right. She would never do it. She buried her head in my neck, her lips moving in inaudible chants. Her soft lips puckering against my lips. I felt the blood rushing to the middle of the thighs.

After the doctors treated her. She woke up that night.

I saw her this angry on the night of her wedding. When I abducted her in the middle of the night while she was on the way to her actual husband.

Min, Ari, after badly hurting her during high school days. I left her, and I knew I was obsessed with her. My obsession would ruin her, I did ruin her emotionally to some extent. There is with my genetics, everyone is obsessed with the person they love.

The devil was obsessed with my mother.
My mother was obsessed with her position and power in the clan.
My uncle was obsessed with a witch and imprisoned her in the dungeon.
I'm obsessed with this witch.

It was the same reason Why I left her in school. I decided to leave her and never meet her again. But, she appeared in my life again. I almost got her out of my mind. It was what I thought. My obsession was in far worse position that I had thought.

I had this beautiful thought, that was ruined the moment she woke up because she hated me. Being with me, she could never be happy.

I knew, I was better than that leech. Her boyfriend and that fake best friend of hers.

Happy Hueningkai Day!!!!
Love and support!!!

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