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I checked myself out for the last time in the mirror. I wore a black v-neck top, khaki colour pants and baby blue overcoat. I smiled at myself and grabbed my bag. I walked out of my room, my hair fluttering in the air. My feet clacking against the floor while all the domestic helpers looked at me. I smiled, I dolled up after a long time. I don't think, I dolled up ever since I've returned in time, or before I came back in time. I step out of the mansion, sitting in the driving seat of the car. While I was inserting the key to bring the engine to life.

My phone glows up, I tilt it slightly to see the messages popping on the lock screen.

Just finished 8 hrs surgery
I miss you 😘

I miss you too.
When are you coming back?

I'll be going on a dinner
don't wait for me, I'll return


I bring the engine to life and speeded the car down the road. I wanted to surprise him today, and I also made lunch for him today. It's evening, but I'm sure he will eat until I reach there. After that night, I tried like three times and Yeonjun rejected me three times indirectly. I think, I just don't want to look desperate. I'm kind of because the elders in coven are pressurizing me to try this method to regain my mana so that I can succeed High Priestess quickly.

Presently, Yeonjun has already finished his shift. He will be going to change and go to club, most probably. Choi Conglomerate, one of the best clubs of the city. The business is always good, keeping Yeonjun busy.

Arriving at the hospital, I quickly park the car in car park. I step out, I looked down at my dress, straightening my outfit. I look around to see whether I'm standing out too much or not, I hope not. Though I do want to look pretty.

I press my lips tightly together, trust me when I say I hate hospitals. I really do. They bring back the memories I would rather not remember. I walk into the lobby. And, stop. I hear the noises behind me, I looked back to see doctors and nurses rushing a person on the stretcher a child behind bawling his eyes out. My heart sinks when I hear the child cry, I bite my lips. My memories when my mom was being taken by the doctors and nurses replayed in my head.

“Ari!” I felt a warm hand holding mine. I flinch and looked back to see Yeonjun, staring at me. I blink my eyes and smile appeared on my lips. Yeonjun was wearing a navy-blue scrub, He looks so hot. I wrap my hands around him.
He wraps his hands around my body, snuggling his head in my neck.
“What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to meet you, and you probably didn't eat—” I pull away, “—I brought food. I made it myself!”
I chimed.
His face scrunches a slightly, but he smiled again, I know why? I cooked. It means, He had to eat a dish from another planet. I remember what he said last time I cooked fried rice. “Where is fried rice? Oh my, which planet's species is this?!” I hide the embarrassing moment. I look him in the eye.

“I have eaten it. It's not bad!”
He chuckled, “Okay, Okay, shall we go in the garden.”

Suddenly, a hand was thrown around Yeonjun's shoulder. A young guy beside him pulled him in a bro hug, “Whoa! Dr. Yeonjun, is she your girlfriend?” The man asked.
“No, Dr. Wooyoung, She is my wife!” The most hilarious expression. I've ever seen would be from this man. His eyes bulged out, and he gasped with his jaws falling to the ground. I couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction.

“You're married?” He asked, his voice was so loud it attracted unwanted attention. Everyone in the lobby was staring at us. Yeonjun hides his face in palm.
“Can you talk softly? You're a doctor!” Yeonjun scolds the man, glaring at him. He holds my hand, raising my hand in the air. He showed our wedding rings. The blood rushed to my face, “Yes, I'm married. My wife came all the way to hospital and brought me lunch now if you excuse me.”

He coldly said, He turns around walking past Dr. Wooyoung, I give him a slight bow before following Yeonjun out. Who was holding my hand tightly. My eyes fixated on his back, his shoulders are broad and even though I was wearing heels. I was still shorter than him.

“Yeonjun, walk slower, I'm wearing heels!” I said, He has long legs. Ugh! His pace slowed down. He looks at me and then at my legs. A sigh escaped his lips. I join him, wrapping my hand around his arms. When we arrived at the garden.
“Are you close with him?” I ask to break the awkward silence.
“Nah~ he is the one who considers me as his friend!”
“You don't?”

His lips pucker, his eyes cold as ice. No trace of humanity visible, he looked slight upset.  “I don't make friends with weak people. They'll all die in the end.” He said. I nod, sighing as my grip around him tightened.

“Let's sit there.” I pointed at the empty bench under the tree. We increase our pace and sit under the tree. I quickly open the lunch box, I had prepared numerous things. I worked hard since the morning. It wasn't easy, but cook helped me a lot. I managed to cook.

“Whoa! It's fantastic. You've improved.”
“I told ya. . . .” He chuckled.

After half of the box was empty, “It feels like a date.” He said.
“I know right, the autumn leaves look pretty.”
“Come to think of it. We never actually went on a date!”
“Hmm… When you asked me out that day, I couldn't come,” My lips turning downward remembering.
“You wanted to come?” He asked, his eyes looking for an answer.

“At first I was scared, but I got slight late and my cousin returned home and called me back and locked me up. I didn't tell you because I never knew what to say, my family treated me like that. It was really embarrassing.” I confessed, looking at the ground. I felt his hand on my head. He pulled me close to him. I feel his lips on my temples, “It's alright. Though I was a little sad that day, I still got to be with you in the end. That's what matters.”

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