Chapter Eleven

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"Hey," China said as her and Dinah cleaned the empty tables, "you and Vic got any plans tonight?"

"No," Dinah said. "Why, what's up?"

"It's been a minute since we had a girls' night. My sisters and I wanted to know if you and Vic would be down to spend the night at our place tonight. We can order in, have a movie about your new boo..."

The mischievous gleam in China's eyes made the brunette chuckle.

"I'm down. Vic got off work early today, so I'll text her now and see what she says."

It didn't even take a full minute for Victoria to respond to Dinah's text.

"We're in," Dinah smiled. "You want me to get anything?"

"Only if you want to. We're stocked up on liquor. All ya'll really need to bring is your overnight bags."

"Sounds good to me. What time you want us over?"

"Doesn't really matter. Just let us know when you're on your way and we'll leave the door unlocked for you."


Jackie emerged from his office, smiling at his employees as he began to go over the sales made today.

"Good work, girls," he beamed, his Chinese accent seeping through. "We made a good amount of money today, and the tip jars have been filling up nicely! At this rate, we'll be able to add that upper level on the rooftop by next spring. Oh! And before I forget! Tango's fifteen-year anniversary is coming up, and I want to have a celebration here at the bar. I haven't come up with a date yet, but I want you all to invite your people out to help us celebrate."

Everyone started cheering, causing Jackie's smile to grow.

"Alright, you all have worked hard enough today. Go home and rest! See you all tomorrow."

And with that, everyone left Tango to go their separate ways. Dinah made it home swiftly. She greeted the man who sat behind the front desk before making her way up to her apartment. Once the elevator dinged and the doors opened, she stepped out into the hall. But the further she walked down the long corridor, the more intense that familiar, uneasy feeling became. Once again, she felt like she was being watched – like she wasn't alone in the hall that she walked. She looked behind her, but only saw the elevator with its doors now closed. There was a stairwell not too far away from it, but there was no one in sight. She then looked ahead of her, but still found no one.

This doesn't make any sense...

Wanting to hurry and get inside the comfort of her own place, she speed walked down to the end of the hallway, putting her keys in the lock before opening and shutting the door. The slam of it startled Victoria, who looked up from her phone and eyed Dinah like something was wrong with her.

"Why are you so jumpy?" she chuckled.

"I started getting that feeling again," Dinah answered as she let out a breath.

"Has it gotten any worse since a couple days ago?"

"Somewhat. I just don't understand why someone would be watching me. I mean, besides you and China, no one else knows about me and Quincy. That's the only logical reason I can think of for even being followed in the first place."

"Like I said, if things get a little crazy, we can always request to view security footage. Try not to think about it too much, okay? Come on. I'll help you get your stuff together."

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