Chapter Thirty-Two

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Quincy had, what he would consider, a successful day at work. He was able to help with the final mix and master for one of his artist's next album, his meetings went by without a hitch, and he managed to get back to anyone that either emailed him or left him a message at the front desk. The icing on the cake was spending the end of his day with his two favorite ladies over pizza and a movie. He approached the road to Tango but came to a halt at the scene before him. There was tape everywhere, police cars scattered across the street, paramedics talking to policeman. But out of all the chaos that was happening, it didn't take long for the twenty-nine-year-old to make out Dinah's face. He parked his bike by a nearby sidewalk and hastily made his way over to her, only to be stopped by a policeman.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't pass this point."

"You don't understand," Quincy said, "my girlfriend is over there!"

"Can you identify her?" the officer asked.

"She's right over there," Quincy pointed out. "Long, brown hair, light skin tone."

Quincy saw Dinah's eyes open before she ran over to him. The officer let her through, and Quincy wasted no time in scooping her up and holding her as she wept in his arms.

"I'm here," he said, "I'm right here."

He continued to hold her until she mustered up the courage to look up at him. He cupped her face while wiping away her tears.

"What happened?" he asked. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"No, I'm fine," Dinah answered. "It's boss died..."

Quincy was at a loss for words.

"Oh my god..." he uttered, " you know what the cause of death was?"

"A heart attack..." Dinah whimpered, "...I watched him die right in front of me..."

"Oh, baby girl..." Quincy said, bringing his girlfriend in his body and holding her tight.

He could feel every muscle in her body tense the more she wept. He felt bad that he couldn't get there any sooner. If work hadn't ran so late, he would've been at the bar in time to be present to help.

"There was no way of you knowing," Dinah reassured him as she clutched onto his chest. "I'm just glad you're here now..."

Quincy sighed through his nose and closed his eyes. He allowed himself to get lost in the feeling of her. He didn't mean to think so selfishly, but if things were different, Dinah could've been the one to die tonight. He was so thankful that nothing bad had happened to her. He didn't think he could live through losing another love to death.

"I hope this didn't ruin our plans for tonight," Dinah said timidly.

Quincy couldn't help but chuckle at how cute she was. How could she dare think that something this tragic would inconvenience him?

"Not at all," he said. "In fact, it's all the more reason for me to whisk you away so you can relax and settle your body. Adeya's cuddles are perfect for doing just that."

His heart warmed at the smile Dinah gave him. He continued to keep her body close to his as he helped her get her bag. They walked over to his bike, securing Dinah's helmet on her before doing the same for himself. He hopped on and didn't start the engine until he felt his girl's arms wrap themselves around him. He instinctively put his hand on hers and rubbed his thumb against her knuckles. The journey to New Hope was peaceful. Once the couple entered the house, Adeya was there to welcome them, along with Justine.

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