Chapter Forty-One

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Normani rubbed the back of Dinah's hand with her thumb while their fingers were intertwined. They had just taken the city's exit onto the main highway and were on their way to pass through Allentown. It would take them about two hours to get to the Pocono Mountains, so Normani decided to engage Dinah on the way.

"Aiden's a great name," the ebony began. "I meant to tell you that earlier. Are you gonna hyphen his last name?"

"I never really thought about it until just now," Dinah replied. "But I don't think I will. We're all gonna be a family soon, and I want all of us to share the same name."

Normani smiled when she felt Dinah's fingers tighten around her own. The ebony was still cautious about putting all her hope into the future that Dinah wanted. An outcome, like the one they were hoping to have, never came without uncomfortable conversations and difficult decisions. She didn't want to harp on the brunette's optimism, but she couldn't help but feel like they needed to have a plan B for if their future didn't turn out like they had hoped it would.

"Have you thought of what you're going to do if Quincy only chooses one of us?" she asked hesitantly.

"You mean if he decides to get back with you?" Dinah asked.

Normani's hands clammed up at the statement as she kept her eyes on the road ahead. She hated even having to bring the question up. But someone had to think logically about the entire situation.

"Mani," Dinah said, caressing the ebony's hand, "it's fine that you asked. I did think about what I would do if he chose you instead of the both of us. We both know that no matter what happens, he'll always be a good father. So, I don't doubt that he would be very present in Aiden's life. And I'm sure him and I would still be cool. All three of us would. I'll just stay in Philly, have the apartment to myself since Vic's gonna move in with Lani, and I'll run Tango."

Normani nodded her head, her hand still holding Dinah's. She couldn't help but feel guilty at the possibility of the brunette having to live life separated from them. Although the three of them were never together yet, they had already become so close. Having to separate would be a big step backwards for any of them at this point.

"What about you?" Dinah asked. "Have you thought about what you'd do after all of this is over?"

"Well..." Normani began, "...if Q and I start over, I'm most likely moving back to New Hope. If I can't get my old job back in the city, I'll have to find one up there. It'll be weird not being tied to anyone anymore."

Dinah chuckled before looking at Normani. Auburn met ember for a short moment before the ebony brought her attention back onto the road.

"I know you're trying to think logically about this," the brunette said. "And I appreciate you doing of us needs to be level-headed in all this...but I don't want you to rule out the possibility of us being a blended family. We can make it work."

Normani smiled before bringing the back of Dinah's hand to her lips.

"I know we can," she replied.

A comfortable silence fell between the two women as they continued cruising up the highway. Normani noticed Dinah rubbing her stomach and had a feeling they should make a pit stop for something to eat.

"Are you hungry?" she asked.

"It would seem so," Dinah answered. "The baby's been restless for the last few minutes."

Normani chuckled before spotting an exit to a rest area. She took it and parked right by the front doors of the building. She opened Dinah's door and held her hand as she got out. The two of them looked into each other's eyes to make sure they were deep brown. They didn't want to draw too much attention to themselves. As they walked in the building hand in hand, Dinah glanced at Normani.

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