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Her hoarse voice held bewilderedness. Her black eyes held endless confusion as her brain slowly processed the fact that the bullet penetrated her body. She was in a daze.

"I've been loyal to the company...I didn't do anything wrong...so why?" She knelt down as the pain spread through my body. But the betrayal she felt was more painful than the actual wound.

"You're too strong, the higher-ups deemed you as a threat." He narrowed his eyes.

"Those geezers...so you just obeyed?" Her voice cracked. She couldn't hold back the tears trickling down her face, she felt wronged.

"I served the company...for so many years." Her brows furrowed as her long eyelashes lowered. Her delicate features slowly became deathly pale.

"We are grateful for that." His cold red eyes sent chills down her spine. His voice was void of any emotions, "You were a great sniper."

Her pupils constricted as she let out a pained chuckle. Her eyes were hinted with craziness as her silver hair swayed along with the wind. She felt her strength slowly fading away, a sense of helplessness flooded her body.

"...master....I was never important to you, was I? I'm merely a tool to you..."

Her master was the one who picked her up, he was the one who gave her a new life. She trusted him unconditionally. Even though he had betrayed her, the feeling of hate wasn't able to form itself.

The taste of blood lingered on her tongue. The blood she was holding back surged up leaving her no choice but to let it out. Her gaze slowly moved to her injury, it would be too late even if an ambulance is called. The blood rushing out at a rapid rate told her, her life was coming to an end.

"I expected someday this life as an assassin would bite me back but...never have I once thought that you would be the one to take my life." She let out a helpless chuckle, "I, Scarlet Lily, the best sniper in this century, refuse to die like this! I refuse to die...like this..."

"Even if you refuse, you will die. Happy 16th birthday, my only disciple." His eyes softened, making hers widened. "I'm sorry"

Such a gentle voice, this was the master she knew...

"That's not fair at all, master." Scarlet smiled weakly. "...but thank you...urk....for picking me...up."

Maybe she had to pay for taking so many lives...but to think the one who'd take her life is him, her own teacher, the person she looked up to the most But...he was the one who saved her, so it's only right that her life belonged to him.

She closed her eyes as the dizziness took over, it seems like...everything is really over.




"Princess Freya! You woke up, thank goodness. I'm going to inform his majesty."

Scarlet or now known as Freya held her head and let out a low grunt. She blinked away the tears and slowly adjusted her eyes to the light of the room. Her memories slowly returned to her.

She was the princess of the northern part of the demon realm, Freya Antinea Laphinia who just turned five. She blacked out after an assassination attempt and now retrieved the memories of her past life.

Her past life was complicated so she wasn't in a hurry to recall it and sort it out.

...the main point was, this freaking world was a freaking stallion novel she read in her past life! Not some romance novel she always read, but a stallion novel she read out of curiosity!

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