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Black and white, a field of white roses accompanied by the dark sky. These were the only colours that existed in her aquamarine eyes. Freya looked at her headless 'twin' in front of her.

'Her' head was cleanly dissected from her neck and that missing head was delicately held in 'her' arms. That pair of blood-red eyes stared at her straightly without blinking, as though a monster from a horror movie.

Freya felt uncomfortable. Well, who wouldn't if they saw their own head looking at them so disturbingly? She didn't know what to say, but thankfully 'her' head took the initiative and broke the silence.

"All of our memories have returned. We are finally one."

Freya nodded in reply, "Do you have any idea how to solve the problems in the future?"

"Do you?" The red-eyed head asked with a brow raised.

Freya averted her eyes with a troubled countenance, "...not completely."

"Then I don't. We are one after all, what makes you think that I'll have any ideas if you don't?"

The blunt tone of the other her made Freya speechless, it made her seem like an idiot.

Freya questioned carefully, "Why is your...I mean our head parted from our body?"

The pair of crimson eyes narrowed with mirth, "What's the point of asking when you already know? It's because we desire to be dead to escape from all this shit. But another us told me, running away by dying is the most cowardly thing to do. If you have the courage to die, then use that courage to live on."


"I do agree that we should get everything settled before entering our eternal sleep, it's not like we have much time left anyways. However, after that...we should get the freedom to choose whether we want to live on or not."

"A few decades is plenty of time. You make it sound like we're going to die in a year." She sighed and asked, "Why am I here?"

"Because you fainted. You should get used to it. Every time you faint, you're going into a different region of your inner conscious world."

"I'll take note of that."

"Hey, we did our best protecting them, don't beat yourself up too much," the blood-red eyes finally softened. A smile appeared on her face, "You're waking up."

Freya stayed silent but still nodded in reply before dispersing into a pile of roses.

The girl blinked her eyes several times to get used to the light in the room. She was immediately met with her lover's peerless appearance and a gentle kiss on her eyelid.

"Welcome back." Caiden brought her into a light embrace, afraid of hurting her. "You've been asleep for a day."

Freya snuggled back and nodded. Caiden didn't burst into tears as he did the last time she passed out. She figured it had something to do with the marking.

The steady stream of demonic mana that Caiden flowed into her body was what enabled her to wake up so quickly, after all, she used too much when facing Alexander.

"I sensed from our bond that you weren't in any danger so your father and Luca went to deal with the angels in the prison first. I'll inform them you're awake." Caiden hooked her dishevelled hair behind her ears.

Freya pinched his ear with a smile, this was the only thing that could make this sly fox who recovered his memories jolt.

Her eyes narrowed with displeasure, did he not love her that much anymore?

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