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*Curse and swearing warning, well more than the other chapters*

"We're here for the demon kings, a mere demon like you shouldn't interfere," the man who was the warrior said with hostility despite trembling from fear.

Freya's eyes glowed purple as the air surrounding them turned icy cold. Anyone could tell she wasn't in a good mood after hearing that. If looks can kill, there won't be any survivor in that party.

"Separate the hero into another barrier," Freya commanded with a cold voice.

She wasn't going to be some stupid ass killing the hero last. Heroes tend to have a mysterious force that allows them to suddenly have a burst of energy and become stronger after facing the death of their loved one.

"Were you transmigrated here?" Freya cocked her brow.


"Aoto! Don't talk to a demon, you'll be bewitched," the saintess of the party warned.

Freya blinked, this name...the hero must be Japanese. Well, how convenient.

Freya spoke in Japanese, "Why would you sacrifice yourself for people you don't know?"

It's the language of the East here. However, humans in this world only have one language so other than the hero, no human could understand her.

"Y-you speak Japan-"

"Answer my question," Freya cut him off impatiently.

However, he wasn't the slightest unhappy about being cut off, instead, his eyes beamed. Finally, he could say what he wanted without restraint!

"...I don't want to. I never wanted to sacrifice myself for a bunch of people I don't know. They asked me to kill the demon king for them, fight monsters for them without my consent and trained me like some type of dog.

They summoned me here! They robbed me of my life. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I never signed up for this."

Without knowing, tears flowed down his cheeks, "I didn't die. It wasn't a reincarnation, it was a fucking transmigration! I just want my old life back."

Freya stared at him with enigmatic eyes. She then glanced at Caiden, earning a nod from him. She didn't perceive it wrong, this kid is telling the truth.

Demons have the ability to tell whether a human was lying or not as they can see one's deepest desire. The hero in front of her desired to return to his world.

However, he wasn't telling the entire truth. Freya clicked her tongue, she was hoping to meet a stupid hero.

Her eyes showed her rage, yet her voice was calm, "So you intend to kill the demon kings to go back to your world. Those people in white robes must have told you that they would return you home after you complete the mission. They told you that the demons would destroy the world, didn't they?"

The man with emerald eyes bit his lips and nodded. The girl in front of him was dangerous, he knew if he lied, she would not hesitate to send his head flying.

"Sorry to break it to you but it's a lie. Firstly, we demons never planned to leave the demon realm, much less start a war. However, if you guys plan to destroy this realm of mine, I won't sit still and watch.

Secondly, in our world, we can only summon people here but we can't send people back. Even if they send you out of this world, there's no guarantee that you'll end up in the original world that you desire," Freya chuckled coldly.

Aoto's eyes saddened, "It turned out to be true. I was told by a man named Alexander, but I didn't believe it."

Alexander? Freya's eyes narrowed, what is up his sleeves this time?

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