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Arche woke up and yawned. He felt something grabbing his clothes so he looked down. He gazed adoringly at Freya who was curled up beside him. Her rose-pink hair was tangled as it spread all over the pillow. Her expression was very peaceful as she hugged Mr. Lulu in her arms.

Arche reached out and combed her messy hair with his fingers with a small smile on his face. If only she could remain tiny like this forever, she's growing up too fast. She'll be nine in a month.

As he gently pried her little hands away, he froze. Why were her hands so cold? His heartbeat quickened, he felt as if thousands of ants crawled onto his back. He caressed Freya's face that was as cold as ice, her hands dropped limply onto the bed. There was no pulse...

Arche sat there in a daze, his eyes widened as his pupils trembled with fear. He shook her lightly, hoping she would open her eyes, but she never did.

"Freya?" His voice quivered with uncertainty. Arche's volume increased each time he called out her name. "Freya!"

Arche held his daughter in his arms, he felt his mind going blank. Tears streamed down his face as he hugged Freya tightly. It was like hugging a pile of snow, but Arche didn't let go.

"Stop playing around, don't scare me like that. Please?" He hoped it was the doing of his mischievous daughter, praying that it was her usual little tricks.

Freya simply stayed silent and unmoving. Her limbs were slightly stiff as her blood circulation stopped. The sun was no longer shining, was no longer warm, she became a wilted flower after full bloom.

The Freya in his arms gradually became larger until she looked like a sixteen-year-old teenager. Arche's eyes widened as he shook uncontrollably. They were no longer in his room, but in a dark forest surrounded by black trees.

Arche was too familiar with this scene, it was the same. The girl in his arms suddenly opened her eyes, her pale aquamarine eyes were as gentle as ever, but what left her mouth made Arche weep while biting his lips.

"Papa! Wake up!" Freya's hurried voice made him jolt up. Concern was evident in her eyes, "Daddy, what happened?"

"Freya?" Arche was still in a daze, he seemed like he was half asleep. The tears running down his cheeks made him seem extremely pitiful yet beautiful.

Freya nodded. Arche pulled her into a tight embrace, she was here...breathing, living. His trembling calmed down little by little. It was just a dream...

Freya didn't say anything, it should be a nightmare. But what kind of nightmare made Arche so agitated until his horns came out?

She sat there and let her father cuddle her, hoping to ease his fear and trepidation. Arche's bat-like wings wrapped around her like a protective barrier, hoping to protect her from all the harm in the world.

She hugged Arche back and started singing, "Stop your crying, it will be alright~ I'm here now, and I'll hold you tight~ The stars are singing, and so is the moon~ Your heart will hold happiness, while your sorrows come to me~ We'll bear the burden together, so wipe away your tears away~ Sleep tight my dear, sleep tight now~ Another day awaits, another day awaits~"

Her voice was very soft and pleasant, on its own, it was already a musical instrument. She made the lullaby so comforting that Arche indulged in her warmth subconsciously, forgetting he was the adult here.

Since Arche was in a half-asleep state, her tranquil voice made him fall back to sleep. Freya sighed in relief, it was the first time Arche looked so pale. She used her butterflies to pull the blanket so that it covered him up to his neck.

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